Hi Ali,

Your option 1 is substantially what I proposed, the sole difference being that 
I propose following normal IETF procedure and moving to a new code point. 
Without moving to a new code point, the only thing standing in the way of a 
catastrophe is luck and good operational procedures, hardly a robust option. 
With moving to a new code point, there’s literally no way to trigger this 

It’s the safer thing to do and the right thing to do. The code’s not hard, I’m 
tempted to call it trivial. We do this kind of thing all the time — one code 
point for prestandard, another for the standardized version. I see no downside, 
all upside.

Regarding RT-constrain, I don’t follow your reasoning for how it guarantees 
safety in a mixed network.


On Apr 26, 2020, at 3:21 PM, Ali Sajassi (sajassi) <saja...@cisco.com> wrote:


Thanks for your insightful input and suggestion. We have had other situations 
similar to this in the past and we have resolved them by the consensus and 
without having a “ticking time bomb” to cause a network meltdown. One such 
situation was the need to extend RT-4 to add the originator router’s address 
which changed the length of RT-4 route. At the time there were pre-RFC 
implementation from several vendors already deployed in different networks and 
the vendors decided to go with the new RT-4 format and upgrade to it and making 
sure the interoperability is based on standard RFC and not pre-standard 
version. That worked fine as I and other colleagues from other vendors 
(including yours) are not aware of any issues regarding that update. We have a 
lesser situation in here because of the following implementation status:

  1.  Some vendors have implemented both format
  2.  Some vendors have allowed for both lengths (including my vendor) to avoid 
malformed NLRI. Allowing for both length doesn’t mean supporting both format 
but rather both lengths so that the PE that doesn’t need to import the route, 
doesn’t interpret the old format as malformed.
  3.  Vendors that haven’t implemented it, prefer new format
  4.  AFAIK, there is only a single vendor that implemented the v4-only format

So, based on the current data, I think we can have the following two options 
that IMO are simpler:

  1.  Just go with the new format and for multi-vendor deployment, making sure 
the new format is used. Considering the current deployments situations where 
intra-DCs and intra-sites are  done using a single vendor but different vendors 
are used for different sites and DCs, this can be feasible. Maybe that’s why we 
haven’t run into the interop issues because for the current deployment model.
  2.  Accommodate both lengths (i.e., bullet b) above) and turn on 
RT-constraint on the PEs that support old RT-8 format. This way, the RR can 
properly reflect both RT-8 formats. The PEs supporting the new format can be 
inserted into the network without issue. And the PEs supporting the old format 
can be gradually migrated to the new format.

I should just mention that for RT-4 changes that all the vendors did long time 
ago, the approach (1) was adopted.


From: John Scudder <j...@juniper.net>
Date: Friday, April 24, 2020 at 3:01 PM
To: "Mankamana Mishra (mankamis)" <manka...@cisco.com>
Cc: "bess@ietf.org" <bess@ietf.org>, 
Subject: Re: [bess] IGMP / MLD Proxy Draft update (NLRI change)
Resent-From: <alias-boun...@ietf.org>
Resent-To: Cisco Employee <saja...@cisco.com>, <stho...@cisco.com>, 
<ke...@arrcus.com>, <jdr...@juniper.net>, <w...@juniper.net>
Resent-Date: Friday, April 24, 2020 at 3:01 PM

Hi All,

Regarding the proposal to remove the Leave Group Synchronization field from the 
Multicast Leave Synch Route, the current proposal is inadequate. Below I 
discuss why, and provide an alternate suggestion. For those who don’t want to 
read my wall of text, my key motivation is simple:

- The current proposal is a ticking time bomb because it leaves in the field a 
situation where two incompatible implementations can exist undetectably.

And my proposal boils down to two things:

- For the new format NLRI that omits the field, allocate a new code point. 
Deprecate [*] code point 8 going forward.
- Optionally provide a somewhat more sophisticated interworking option for 
backward compatibility.

Nitty-gritty below including considerations for how to transition from code 
point 8 to the TBD code point.

As far as I can tell, there is consensus that the field is not useful. That’s a 
good start. The customary way of dealing with this would be to mark the field 
“reserved”, but evidently there are multiple divergent implementations in the 
field that use different formats for the Multicast Leave Synch Route, some that 
include the field and some that don’t. (I should disclose here that my 
employer’s implementation is in the “include” camp.)

There is an obvious interoperability problem here: BGP implementations are 
required to sanity-check the NLRI they receive (see RFC 4271 section 6.3, RFC 
4760 section 7, and RFC 7606 section 5.3). This checking is required whether or 
not there’s a route target present to cause the router to consume the NLRI, the 
standards require the NLRI to be checked regardless. The consequence of 
malformed NLRI is a session reset. This turns out to be a difficult problem in 
BGP, even though we’ve worked to reduce the number of error cases that require 
a session reset, malformed NLRI are one of the very bad cases we can’t paper 
over. The IDR WG worked on this very hard during the development of RFC 7606, 
it is a real problem. When an implementation expects one NLRI format and 
receives another, that’s a malformed NLRI, and can be expected to cause a 
session reset. To leave this situation in place would be BGP protocol 

As far as I can tell, this means it is only through dumb luck that we have had 
two different NLRI formats in the wild without a network meltdown. This seems 
like a ticking time bomb situation.

The implementations are in the field already, we can’t just stamp our feet and 
say “you should have followed the spec” and make the problem go away. So we 
have to think about how to migrate to one agreed format, whatever it may be. 
(The idea that interoperability concerns can be addressed by simply never 
mixing old and new implementations in the same network can be dismissed out of 
hand. That amounts to “there are no interoperability problems if there’s no 
interoperation”, and are we not a standards organization, and is our goal not 

Let’s take as a given that the agreed format will end up being the one that 
removes the Leave Group Synchronization field. Since something has to change, 
it may as well be the thing that removes the vestigial field.

The cleanest solution is to keep the format depicted in draft -04 (and its 
predecessors) on code point 8, and to allocate a new code point for the new 
format. The old code point would be deprecated, the new code point would be the 
standardized version. It turns out that moving code points is exactly the 
strategy prescribed (or at least strongly recommended) by RFC 7120 section 3.2:

  If at some point changes that are not backward compatible are
  nonetheless required, a decision needs to be made as to whether
  previously allocated code points must be deprecated (see Section 3.3
  for more information on code point deprecation).  The considerations
  include aspects such as the possibility of existing deployments of
  the older implementations and, hence, the possibility for a collision
  between older and newer implementations in the field.

There are existing deployments of older implementations in our case, of course, 
so this advice applies. Keep in mind that RFC 7120 is the process that was used 
to get code point 8 to begin with, so we pretty much have made a contract to 
follow its recommendations.

Code point migration, from the deprecated value 8 to the TBD standardized 
value, is a little bit of an annoyance but the general methodology is 
well-known; this is not rocket science. It looks something like: new 
implementations have to be able to consume both the old format and the new. By 
default they generate the old. Once the entire network is known to be upgraded 
to an RFC-compliant version, the operator configures them to generate the new. 
In the future, the default can be changed, in the farther future the support 
for the old code point can be removed (this end state tends to be aspirational 
in my experience, but we can dream).

I think this should be the solution that is standardized. It keeps the standard 
as simple as possible and provides the format the WG desires (at least, per the 
email so far).

That still leaves open the question of interoperability between the 
pre-standard implementations currently in the field, the ones that generate 
NLRI that follows the format specced in -04 and the ones that don't. Mankamana 
mentions “RR must accept both” as the interoperability solution; I think this 
is necessary but not sufficient because it still doesn’t protect against the 
potential for catastrophic failure as I discuss in my first few paragraphs. 
Rather, I would say that any implementation that wants to interoperate with 
prestandard versions has to provide a configuration option to tell it what 
version of the NLRI to emit towards any given peer. It can and should still 
consume both, but it has to know what kind to emit. I’m not sure whether this 
needs to go in the standard. Maybe it should go in an appendix.

If the WG likes this approach I’d be glad to send text, if wanted.



[*] Note that “deprecate” basically means “you are encouraged to stop using 
this and start using the standardized code point”. I can find a citation if 
there’s any dispute about this, but mostly, experience has shown me that people 
tend to have funny ideas about this word, so I thought I’d put in a line about 

On Apr 23, 2020, at 2:31 AM, Mankamana Mishra (mankamis) 

[External Email. Be cautious of content]

Post WGLC  before IETF Singapore it came to our notice that there were 
implementation discrepancies of this draft 
 Though draft had NLRI definition as

             |  RD (8 octets)                                   |
             | Ethernet Segment Identifier (10 octets)          |
             |  Ethernet Tag ID  (4 octets)                     |
             |  Multicast Source Length (1 octet)               |
             |  Multicast Source Address (variable)             |
             |  Multicast Group Length (1 octet)                |
             |  Multicast Group Address (Variable)              |
             |  Originator Router Length (1 octet)              |
             |  Originator Router Address (variable)            |
             |  Leave Group Synchronization  # (4 octets)       |
             |  Maximum Response Time (1 octet)                 |
             |  Flags (1 octet)                                 |
Where there was Leave Group Synchronization number as part of NLRI. But two 
implementation were

  1.  With this field as part of NLRI
  2.  Without this field as part of NLRI

Implementation survey As of 2019:
 Since it came to notice that at least there are two implementation which would 
not interop, we did try to take survey of other implementation.  We tried it 
with IETF & Nanog forum. We reached out to some of vendors directly as well. 
And implementation were
Cisco – Without Seq number
Juniper – With Seq number
Arista -  with and without sequence number
Apart from these vendors, we did not get response from any one else who had 
implemented these routes.

Before IETF 106 (Singapore) there were couple of discussion among authors & 
other vendors. And it was evident that there are two implementation which would 
not interop as is.  And Sequence number for IGMP does not have any value or 
need. And majority of vendors were ok to remove this field from NLRI as there 
is no practical use case.  So one of the proposal was to remove the field. And 
to make sure we interop with old version proposal was to

1.      Remove Seq number from NLRI

2.      RR MUST accept both len of NLRI

IETF 106 Update :

These changes were presented in IETF 106 Singapore as well.

Implementation Changes post IETF106, As of Today:

Nokia -  Implemented without Seq number, and RR supports both length
Cisco  - Modified implementation to make sure as RR we support both len
Arista -  Already had this implementation to support both len.

Update in Draft :

             |  RD (8 octets)                                   |
             | Ethernet Segment Identifier (10 octets)          |
             |  Ethernet Tag ID  (4 octets)                     |
             |  Multicast Source Length (1 octet)               |
             |  Multicast Source Address (variable)             |
             |  Multicast Group Length (1 octet)                |
             |  Multicast Group Address (Variable)              |
             |  Originator Router Length (1 octet)              |
             |  Originator Router Address (variable)            |
             |  Leave Group Synchronization  # (4 octets)       |
             |  Maximum Response Time (1 octet)                 |
             |  Flags (1 octet)                                 |

  1.  Removed Seq number from EVPN route type 8
  2.  Added text stating older version of draft had 4 byte extra and RR MUST  
accept and reflect both length.

It had been discussed with chairs, and agreed upon one more short WGLC once 
changes are posted

Before publishing the draft, we wanted to make sure if there are any other 
vendor have any concern.

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