A while back I installed the demo of the multi library plugin.  Life got
in the way and I never tried it out.  Well I bought it the other night
and could never get it to function how I wanted.  I then found 7.9 and
the beta plugin!

Like others my reasoning for separate library's is to not hear kids
music when I use shuffle.  Once I get this working I'll set up the same
for xmas music, non kid friendly stuff etc.  I know this can be done
with dynamic playlist filtering genres but I like the idea of the
library menu (so my wife can use it too).

I went to custom library settings and selected "Standard library without
artist selection".  I named it "no kids test”, then beside Excluded
Directory 1 I entered J:\ServerFolders\Lucy's Music.  Hit next and then
save.  Doing it this way did not seem to work.  I did a full re-scan as
well.  I then went back and edited it to exclud any kids genres (I
tagged the genre as "kids" for all her music). This way it worked

So is this the fact that exclude directory doesn't work a bug or am I
doing something wrong?

Also how do I random mix/shuffle from the new library's?  I do not see
that option.  I see where I can exclude genres from the "random mix"
settings.  I would like to be able to random mix any library I choose. 
So I could shuffle her music or mine.  Or at xmas shuffle my "xmas


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