Hi Michael

Okay, I have tested performance of a LMS791-installation on my Windows
10 desktop PC. Performance was very fine opening lists like for example
the Alternative Rock station list. So no performance problem on Windows
it seems.
I did however see the same crash of LMS when trying to set the Library
Name for the first time on the initial setup, as I have seen when doing
clean installs of LMS791 on my NAS. But that's probably a completely
different story...

On my NAS-installation of LMS791 I have now also applied the
modifications of SkinManager.pm, and I have attached the log from when I
opened the Alternative Rock stationlist afterwards. I clicked to open
the station list at 21:51:15:


Hope it makes you wiser :-)

|Filename: LMSImageproxyLog.txt                                     |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22536|

'http://www.*rockland*.dk' (http://www.rockland.dk) -
'http://www.*last.fm*/user/rockland' (http://www.last.fm/user/rockland)
- 'http://www.*discogs*.com/user/StigNygaard'
(http://www.discogs.com/user/StigNygaard) -
*Server:* LMS 7.9.1 - 1491548882 @ Sat Apr  8 on ReadyNAS Ultra 2. 
*Controllers & players:* 2x Squeezebox Touch, [Not used: Squeezebox
Classic,] 2x OrangeSqueeze. *Stereo:* Marantz PM6005 and F3/Lyd
Audiovector 2.
You might like to try my *'Art Grabr'
(https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/20771-stig-s-art-grabr)* for fetching
big *cover-art* from various sites - or *'Album Linkr'
for a better *last.fm* desktop experience...
Stig Nygaard's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107155

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