This does not seem far out of context in the world of Blender User
Interaction.  The rip key (V) also takes into account mouse hover position.
 Once you know how it works, it works well.  I think the weak point is in
explaining that functionality through the UI.  If you have not watched a
tutorial video, or read documentation carefully, you would be up a creek
without a paddle.


On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 2:40 PM, Bart Crouch <>wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Jonathan Williamson
> <>wrote:
> >
> > The current hockey extension is ideal for me, particularly since it
> > doesn't change the behavior of the existing fill.
> >
> Voicing in as the author of the add-on: this was one of the main concerns
> Paul and I had. We didn't want to change existing behaviour, we just wanted
> to extend the functionality of face filling.
> The perceived unpredictability of the tool due to the position of the mouse
> cursor influencing the result is something we specifically tested. I also
> have a version of the add-on which does not take the mouse cursor into
> account, but in practise that turned out to be even more unpredictable (I
> can provide this version if people are interested in testing). Then the
> computer will have to take a blind guess at which face a user wishes to
> create, or come up with some smart algorithm, which is never smart enough
> to come even close to conscious user input.
> Yours friendly,
> Bart
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