Dear Varun,

Yes, with strong Python and C skills you should be able to navigate the code 
In addition to that, I think it would also be helpful to know the basics of
computer graphics. Especially in the area that you would like to work in. 

To get started with Blender, I'd suggest you do the following:

1. Build Blender from source.
2. Check out this years GSoC ideas page:
3. Identify some areas that you like and where you could see yourself working 
4. Visit the Blender developers IRC channel (#blendercoders) and ask about your
    area of choice. Figure out current issues and who is working in that area.

Someone will probably tell you where in the code its best to start. Try to 
understand that code (don't worry if it takes some time), make some changes and
play around :)

From there, it's basically a process of "lather, rinse, repeat". That is: come
back to IRC, ask something, try it out in the code, repeat.
If your changes turn out to be useful you can bundle them and submit a patch. 
And boom - your on your way to GSoC'17 :)

Hope this helps, feel free to ask if you get stuck! 

Best wishes,

P.S.: It might also be a good idea to ask some of the previous GSoC students
about their experience. Some, including me, are still on IRC regularly.

> On Dec 1, 2016, at 8:29 PM, Varun Garg <> wrote:
> Dear Developers,
> I am interested in applying for Google Summer of Code'17. I have a pretty
> strong base in Python and C . Would I be needing anything else to
> contribute to Blender Foundation? From where should I start?
> Regards
> Varun Garg
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