Hi Lassi,
hi Manuel.

You wrote, 2019-08-18 11:59:
>> OK, I am sorry it was not that easy.
> No problem. I appreciate the help. If we figure this out, maybe we'll learn
> something to make it easier :)
>>> RUN tar -xf bigloo4.3f.tar.gz && mv bigloo4.3f bigloo
>> Why do you need the renaming?
>> This is not a normal build step (without Docker).
> It's not necessary; it's just for our convenience maintaining the
> container. Since we'll be keeping up with new versions of Bigloo, we can
> make less changes to the Dockerfile if the directory name can stay the same
> for all versions.
>>> WORKDIR /bigloo
>> Is the / ok?
> Yes - the Docker container has its own isolated file system and processes,
> so it's simpler to do everything as root. You can make other users inside
> the container, and maybe we should, but it's not that important since users
> inside the container cannot access anything outside the container.

But this leads to a wrong path in bigloo's Makefile. The following "if"
leads to a bootstrap step (because /bigloo exists in your docker build)
and this bootstrap step cannot succeed

        if [ -x $(BGLBUILBINDIR)/bigloo ]

This line contains a typo. It should be

        if [ -x $(BGLBUILDBINDIR)/bigloo ]

You can add a fixing sed command to your script.

can you please fix this in github?


>>> RUN ./configure
>>> RUN make
>> Please pipe the output of these commands into files and post them.
> Sorry - I should have done that right away. Here is the entire Docker build
> log (output of running "docker build -t bigloo ." in the directory with the
> Dockerfile): <https://misc.lassi.io/2019/bigloo-docker-build.log>.

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