This came across a national list I'm on. Since I didn't see it posted
on Bikies, and since the press release is dated Oct 27, I figured the
only way it would make it to the Madison community was for me to post

Ironic that the dateline on the press release was sent is Madison, and
yet no one posted it to Madison's most active bike list. Since there's
lots of media folks on this list, they might have gotten more (some,
any) press if they had actually posted it to this list.

In case you don't want to read the whole thing, here are the highlights:

1. Jack Hirt, currently BFW Exec Director, will become the new
statewide advocacy manager (I thought they already had someone in that
position, but apparently not.)

2. BFW will then launch a search for a new E.D.

The change in an executive director position is pretty big news, and
perhaps they would have gotten more publicity if that had been the




Contact: David Vogt
Tel: 608.251.4456

Bicycle Federation launches new advocacy initiative

October 27, 2008

(Madison) The Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin (BFW) today announced a
new advocacy initiative, aimed at making Wisconsin the most bicycle
friendly state in America.  Jack Hirt, Executive Director of the
organization, said the BFW will unite cyclists in a statewide network
to push for bike-friendly legislation at the state, regional and local

"This is the time for Wisconsin to improve the safety of cyclists from
Kenosha to Superior," Hirt said.  He emphasized that increased
bicycling will address major problems like gas prices, global warming
and health concerns. "To increase bicycling we need to increase
safety," Hirt explained.  To do that, he said bike-friendly laws and
law enforcement and safer places to bike are imperative.

The central focus of the BFW's initiative is appointment of a
statewide advocacy manager, who will develop a network of organized,
informed and supported advocates throughout Wisconsin. Hirt explained
that this network will provide grass-roots support for the BFW's state
legislative agenda. "And, in turn, the BFW will provide expertise and
connections to support the regional and local bicycling advocates
across the state," he said.

Hirt said his work as Executive Director of the BFW for the past two
years has convinced him this is the time for cyclists in Wisconsin to
join together to promote safe cycling for everybody –  from people who
bike to work to students riding to school and from mountain bikers to
bike racers. Hirt said he is personally devoted to uniting cyclists
and amplifying the voice of bicyclists in Wisconsin.

"I want to lead the charge," Hirt said.  To do that, he has worked
with the BFW's Board of Directors to create the statewide advocacy
manager position. At its inception, it will be a part-time position,
directed at developing and expanding the advocacy network.  Hirt has
also requested assignment to that position. He explained, "I want to
focus my work for the BFW on this major goal, and to do that, I will
be moving from Executive Director to this new role."

Chick Veenstra, chair of the BFW's Board of Directors, said Hirt has a
proven record of success with the BFW. "We are confident Jack is the
right person to take charge of this new initiative," Veenstra
explained.  According to Veenstra, Hirt is doing an outstanding job as
Executive Director, and the BFW Board agreed with Hirt that it would
be impossible to continue that level of work while taking on the added
statewide advocacy networking responsibilities. Veenstra said the
Board will launch a search for a new Executive Director, and until
that position is filled, Hirt will continue to serve as Executive

Veenstra pointed to the success of the BFW's recent fund-raising
event, the Saris Gala held in Madison at the Saris factory, as an
example of how far the organization has come under Hirt's direction
during the past two years.  The event has grown from producing revenue
of $30,000 in 2006 to $60,000 in 2007 and $100,000 this year. It is
now one of the largest fund-raising events by a bicycle organization.

As Hirt noted, the Saris Gala shows not only financial support for the
BFW but also support for bicycle advocacy in Wisconsin.  "Bicyclists
have supported the BFW thru things like the Gala," Hirt said, "and the
BFW will support bicyclists by increasing its grassroots advocacy work
across the state."

Hirt and Veenstra noted that Wisconsin was recently named the second
most bicycle friendly state in America by the League of American
Bicyclists. The immediate goal of the BFW advocacy program, Hirt
explained, will be to make Wisconsin the most bike friendly state.
"By bringing cyclists across the state together in an organized
advocacy effort, I am certain we can achieve that goal," Hirt said.
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