
I recently installed Binc IMAP on my Debian Woody box (along with qmail and vpopmail), 
and initially it seemed to be working fine. However, when I tried to get Squirrelmail 
to work with it, it failed miserably. That led me to investigate the log files, and I 
discovered a strange error: "Unable to enter jail path". Here is a full excerpt from a 
session (without time codes). I'm using multilog.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:] Client connected to Binc IMAP from
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:] Warning: unable to enter jail path "/usr/local/bincimap/bin"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:] User <anders> entered authenticated mode.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:] Client disconnected
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:] Mail server shutting down - bodies:0 statements:3
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:] Unprivileged stub shutting down - read:49 bytes, wrote: 184 bytes

Here I connected with Squirrelmail (obviously installed on the same computer). The 
behavior is the same if I use my regular mail client, with a different IP of course. 
Notice that my regular MUA works fine -- I can read mail, create folders, move mail 
etc. Webmail doesn't work, however, but that could be because I haven't configured it 
properly. At any rate, I believe Binc writing the above to the log constitutes an 
error. I tried changing the jail path (to /usr/bin), changing the jail user and group 
(from nobody.nogroup to root.root) to no avail.

Please, can anyone help me with this? Thanks.


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