Henry Baragar wrote:

> On Sun, 23 May 2004 22:57:13 -0400 (CLT), Alejandro Mery
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>>>> loading .bincimap from $HOME instead of $PWD is a kind of mandatory
>>>> for
>>>> using it on vmailmgr, but who cares ;-) i'll use IMAPdir,path="" on
>>>> bincimap.conf and the wrapper will do the rest.
>>> Which wrapper are you using and have you read Section 6 of
>>> http://lifewithbincimap.org/index.php/Main/LifeWithCheckpasswordAndFriends?
>> perl is too much :-)
>> time perl --version vs. time sh --version
> time perl vs. time bincimapd :-)  Seriously.


> On the other hand, you have optimized for a configuration over which
> you  have control:   I agree with this.  I believe that my solution is
> the  shortest and easiest to understand solution that is correct for
> the  general case:  I did not want to document what to do if you
> decide to add  options to bincimapd.

cd "$1"; shift
exec "$@"
does almost the same than yours, almost because it removes the Maildir
from the arg list.

well.... i use this, it's tested and works great for my vmailmgr/local
users using Mailbox { Depot="IMAPdir", path="" }
(using vmailmgr in standard way)

and there is somekind of micro/silly documentation here:

vhome is my desire to have vusers as 'real users' which involves ftp
(twoftpd), apache (virtualdomain/~vuser), qmail's delivery, procmail,
qmail-pop3 and the great bincimap ;-)
comments are very welcomed.

Alejandro Mery

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