In message <>, Kevin Darcy writes:
> I got a trouble ticket on this too.
>  From the looks of things, Cisco is using GSSes to load-balance this 
> site. GSSes return SERVFAIL if all of the resources behind the 
> load-balancer are down (which it determines via a heartbeat mechanism). 
> So I think this is a "simple" case of a website (or cluster) going down. 
> It was down earlier today, then up again, as of this writing, it is down 
> again.
> DNS doesn't really have a response code of "requested resource not 
> available", so SERVFAIL is Cisco's closest approximation. It has the 
> drawback, however, of often making other sorts of problems appear to be 
> DNS problems. That's just a cross that we DNS admins have to bear...
>                                              - Kevin

Then the load balancer should return default records or to
indicate the name is good but doesn't currently have a address.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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