Ive started having some issues with one of my subnets.  Im seeing messages
like the following in my log files:

clients-per-query increased to 15

I did a little googling and found where this is adjustable per the
named.conf.  I currently dont have anything in my named.conf that outlines
this.   Im currently running  BIND 9.9.1-P2 with 31 zone files (all on a
seperate subnet).  The server has 8 virtual interfaces that answer for each
subnet.   This worked fine in the past, but I think I may have reached my
limit.   DNS and DHCP run on the same server.   Can I increase this limit
to help my dns issue, or is this going to be counterproductive.  Should I
seperate and run a physical dns server at each site, instead of using one
for all 8 sites?  There is gig links between each site and my dns server.


Dwayne Hottinger
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools
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