On 09.04.13 13:56, Dwayne Hottinger wrote:
Ive started having some issues with one of my subnets.  Im seeing messages
like the following in my log files:

clients-per-query increased to 15

This apply to recursive queries. Don't you have a malware on the network?
If not, this is just an informational message meaning that too many clients
are trying to resolve the same record.

I did a little googling and found where this is adjustable per the
named.conf.  I currently dont have anything in my named.conf that outlines
this.   Im currently running  BIND 9.9.1-P2 with 31 zone files (all on a
seperate subnet).  The server has 8 virtual interfaces that answer for each

Does it make a sense to have 8 interfaces? I believe you could go with one
interface without problems.

This worked fine in the past, but I think I may have reached my
limit.   DNS and DHCP run on the same server.   Can I increase this limit
to help my dns issue, or is this going to be counterproductive.  Should I
seperate and run a physical dns server at each site, instead of using one
for all 8 sites?  There is gig links between each site and my dns server.

I don't think you need separate BIND servers, although you may want to have
at least two of them, to have backup if one fails.

imho you should first answer my first question and then you see if you need
to increase clients-per-query or not.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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