On Apr 24, 2013, at 2:21 PM, Manson, John wrote:

> Works great. Got the conf file down to about 12 lines (only transferring 1 
> zone file for test).
> Only problem is the file is in slave format.
> Is the master going to have a problem sending the db.x.bak to slaves?
> When a slave receives the transferred file, will it do the slave conversion 
> to the file which is already in slave format?

Please explain what you mean by "slave format". Do you mean binary (raw) 
format, or just formatted differently as a text file? (Different versions of 
BIND behave differently.)

Please keep in mind that a zone transfer between DNS servers is not a file 
transfer. The master does not send a file to the slaves. It sends DNS records, 
in binary (DNS protocol) format.

Chris Buxton
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