-----Original Message-----

From: Dennis Clarke <dcla...@blastwave.org>
Date: Friday, June 28, 2013 11:43 AM
To: "bind-users@lists.isc.org" <bind-users@lists.isc.org>
Subject: sockmgr 1005a1080: unexpected POLL timeout

>I have a recent build of BIND 9.9.3-P1 and after bringing up the service
>on a 
>Solaris 10 server I begin to see many log entries like so :
>28-Jun-2013 15:41:17.636 sockmgr 1005a1080: unexpected POLL timeout
>I don't know what this is and am mildly concerned.  Is this evidence of a
>problem or a compile problem or ?  Really I have not seen this before and
>are roughly 5000 such entries in my log thus far today.

just as a data point i setup a couple new 9.9.3-P1 boxes last night that
get around 30,000 qps combined and with rolling logs the last million
lines or so don't show any trace of "POLL" on centos 6.4 with bind
compiled from latest isc.org src.  the only "option" i have is enable-ssl.

not much help i know, but it does seem solaris/compile specific.  maybe
something like this can help:


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