We'd deployed named v9.9.4 with the patches from

    BIND9 RRL and RPZ Patches
        Multiple Zone Response Policy Zone (RPZ2) Speed Improvement
with Response Rate Limiting (RRL)
        BIND9 9.9.4
            file rpz2+rl-9.9.4.patch, version 9.9.4-rpz2+rl.13269.14
            Version 9.9.4 includes RRL with ./configure --enable-rrl
so this patch only affects RPZ.

so as to have

    named -v
        BIND 9.9.4-rpz2+rl.13269.14 (Extended Support Version)

noting today's release

    Subject: BIND 9.9.4-P2 is now available
    Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 16:48:35 +0000 (UTC)

       BIND 9.9.4-P2 is the latest production release of BIND 9.9.

       BIND 9.9.4 is an Extended Support Version of BIND

and no info on the 3rd-party rpz2 patches since the 9.9.4 release,
we're downgrading to rpz1, as included in the supported Bind release
(ack'd that rpz2 will be 'in' 9.10.x).

Can anyone clarify specifically the *diff* between rpz1, as in the
Bind9 release, and rpz2?  Particularly, which specific
features/capabilities I need to unwind to get back to 'just' rpz1?

I'll poke at it until it behaves, but would appreciate some
better-informed guidance.
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