Hi Harald,

> > Do you see other downsides to forwarding?
> you get the lowest TTL in the whole chain and god beware none of the 
> multi-hop forwarders have a cache hit so it makes it to the last in chain 
> doing then recursion - it's a simple "worst case math"

Do you ever have seen a significant issue with this in real life?
Some companies I forward queries t, even give back their answers with a TTL of 
zero - so there is not even a theoretical difference in the TTL between 
forwarding and other means of resolution in these cases.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Robert Willmann

Commerzbank AG
Group Information Technology
GS-IT 8.2.3 Core Services

Postanschrift: 60261 Frankfurt am Main
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Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main http://www.commerzbank.de 
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