I spent some time last week looking at options for running BIND under WSL on 
Windows Server. Unfortunately it doesn't presently look like a viable solution 
for the following reasons:

There are two versions of WSL: WSL1 and WSL2. Development has all but ceased on 
WSL1, but WSL1 is the only version that can be installed on Windows Server 2019.

Microsoft have not yet confirmed whether WSL2 will be available for Windows 
Server vNext (Windows Server 2022, or whatever they name it).

Even if WSL2 is made available for Windows Server 2022 it has some serious 
networking limitations: it uses NAT from the host, so your Linux instance gets 
a private 172.x.y.z style IP address, and that IP address is different every 
reboot. Proxy port forwarding must therefore be reconfigured on every reboot as 

There has been mixed success getting WSL2 to work in bridged mode, but it is 
not supported by MS. I expect many/most Windows server admins would not want to 
run something in an unsupported configuration which may suddenly stop working 
following a Windows Update.

At this time I don't therefore believe that running BIND via WSL or WSL2 on 
Windows Server is a viable reliable solution.



-----Original Message-----
From: Richard T.A. Neal 
Sent: 29 April 2021 6:41 pm
To: BIND Users <bind-users@lists.isc.org>
Subject: RE: Deprecating BIND 9.18+ on Windows (or making it community improved 
and supported)

The WSL2 option is an interesting one and not something I'd ever considered.


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