
I didn’t write the email to put the blame anywhere or point fingers. I am just 
describing the situation.

Ondřej Surý — ISC (He/Him)

My working hours and your working hours may be different. Please do not feel 
obligated to reply outside your normal working hours.

> On 13. 5. 2021, at 17:29, Danny Mayer <ma...@pdmconsulting.net> wrote:
>> On 5/13/21 9:45 AM, Ondřej Surý wrote:
>> Hey,
>> just a follow-up with a recent real life example.
>> I’ve spent few days hunting a problem on Windows that got introduced by a 
>> fix to outgoing UDP selection code.  While having bugs in normal (and this 
>> was really one-liner), it’s abnormal to not have tools for debugging the 
>> problem.  Here’s the (incomplete) list of things that would have to be fixed:
>> 1. Automatic crashdump collection in our CI - it should work, but it simply 
>> doesn’t and it also ignores the crashdump collection on the Hyper-V Windows 
>> Server 2016 I am using for building and debugging Windows binaries
> If you build the binaries in debug mode does it give you the crashdump 
> collection? Hard to know without looking at the sources.
>> 2. Automatic crashdump processing - we need full backtrace printed for all 
>> the threads, both in the CI and as a “cookbook” for developers.
> What happens on Unix? If this is not out-of-the-box then you have to use the 
> microsoft tools to do that.
>> 3. The build system rewrite - currently, the build system is this horrible 
>> hybrid of Perl that generated MSVC solution files (ninja-build or cmake 
>> would be sane alternatives)
> When the build system was written, around 2001, there were not a lot of 
> alternatives. I was used to writing TCL but not a lot of people knew that 
> language. Perl was the popular choice. Today that would need to be worth 
> revisiting.
>> 4. Improvements like this: 
>> https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/bind9/-/merge_requests/5020 <— the new 
>> networking stack uses libuv where we setup listening on each netmgr thread, 
>> on Windows, we currently limit this to **single thread**. This branch is an 
>> attempt to use WS2 API to make Windows work same as the rest of platforms, 
>> but it fails horribly.  It’s beyond our capacity to pursue this any further.
> Why is this single-threaded? The Windows code handling the incoming and 
> outgoing requests was always multithreaded. There was handling within the 
> Windows code to properly deal with the threads and locking that was necessary.
>> Currently, working on Windows feels like landing on an alien planet with 
>> failing lifesupport and finding these strange large eggs in the cavern while 
>> having Sigourney Weaver on the team.
> Well I had warned that there needed to be someone on the team to properly 
> deal with the Windows side.
> Danny

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