On 24-05-2022 20:57, Jan-Piet Mens via bind-users wrote:

Slightly off-topic, but I believe ISC reccomend using a custom policy
instead of `default' in case the default changes in future.

Yes, sort of. The documentation hints at the fact that the default policy is subject to change. I meanwhile grabbed the dnssec-policy.default file from GitLab and using that as a locally defined policy.

That surprises me a bit; I've always maintained BIND will not
validate a DNSSEC-signed zone it is authoritative for. Unless you
mean RRSIGs were still valid.

My terminology might not have been accurate. It is/were the RRSIGS that were outdated for all but the SOA record. I used the command provided in the documentation:

delv @ -a Kpenguinpee.nl.+013+56132.key \
+root=penguinpee.nl penguinpee.nl. SOA +multiline

The key file here is the DNSKEY converted into a trust-anchor as per BIND ARM [1]. Checking any other record with delv returned 'RRSIG has expired'.

BIND should be signing the zone(s) with dnssec-policy, yes, and the dynamically-updateable zone will be signed on update and SOA serial increased automatically.

I wonder whether it's getting confused (can software get confused? I
suppose so) with the two identically-named zones. If this were my
installation and I had to use views, I'd try specifying distinct
policies for the zones to see if that makes a difference.

That thought, regarding the same zone in different views, had occurred to me. However, having to specify different policies for different views would be at best a workaround. I'd rather find out what it is that confuses BIND and file a bug for it.

Looking at it from a users perspective, on a large setup with multiple zones/views (not mine) one would hardly want to setup a separate policy for every zone/view.

For now, everything is looking fine again. But if it fails again, I will take another close look and hopefully something will turn up, that points me in the right direction.

Should it be the views, is there a specific logging category I should increase verbosity on?

[1] https://bind9.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dnssec-guide.html?highlight=delv#verification

-- Sandro
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