Would it make sense to create a subdomain for internal use, but have the main zone signed with external records only? Is it possible to make changes to names?

Can you make for example in.ubi.pt just internal only, not accessible from outside?

If you want to have your external zone signed with DNSSEC, then internal zone has to be signed with DNSSEC too. You can workaround different KSK keys by adding trust anchor to all your validating resolvers. A bit better solution would be adding DS record to parent pt zone also for internal KSK key.

If you make internalsite2.ubi.pt unsigned zone, with own NS and SOA, then it can be not signed, when the main ubi.pt zone is. But the indication from the parent has to match. Both zones have to be signed or none. Internal zone would work too with trust-anchor explicitly added to your resolvers. Unless you want to ignore your own zone signatures, internal zone should be signed too.

On 4/19/23 11:49, David Carvalho via bind-users wrote:

Hi and thanks for the reply.

Does it make sense to not validate my parent domain entirely? Wouldn’t that also stop exterior validation when I request it?



*From:*Darren Ankney <darren.ank...@gmail.com>
*Sent:* 19 April 2023 10:27
*To:* David Carvalho <da...@di.ubi.pt>
*Cc:* Bind Users Mailing List <bind-users@lists.isc.org>
*Subject:* Re: DNSSEC and forward zone

Hi David,

You can disable validation on one or more domains using "validate-except" - https://bind9.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference.html#namedconf-statement-validate-except

Thank you,

Darren Ankney

On Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 5:05 AM David Carvalho via bind-users <bind-users@lists.isc.org> wrote:

    Hello guys

    Asking for your help, again.

    So after setting up DNSSEC I’ve found I couldn’t reach some
    internal sites on my top domain, served by internal DNS servers

    There’s no need in hiding domains as my e-mail is shown here.

    Top domain


    ubi.pt <http://ubi.pt> (external DNS Servers authoritative)

    Internal DNS servers (windows, Active directory - Recursive)

    Internalsite1.ubi.pt <http://Internalsite1.ubi.pt>

    Internalsite2.ubi.pt <http://Internalsite2.ubi.pt>


    di.ubi.pt <http://di.ubi.pt>

    (both authoritative and recursive for my networks)

    Previously I had the following to get internal sites resolved, but
    now it seems it is completely discarded by dnssec.

    zone "ubi.pt <http://ubi.pt>" IN {

    type forward;

    forwarders {;; };


    Is there any configuration to allow me  to be able to access
    internal sites served by internal dns servers, I guess not using

    Can this only be accomplished by adding these entries to my parent


    Kind regards

    David Carvalho

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