The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 125
Issue: 5 May 2009

Passive acoustic detection of schools of herring
Thomas R. Hahn and Gary Thomas
pp. 2896-2908

Determining biosonar images using sparse representations
Bertrand Fontaine and Herbert Peremans
pp. 3052-3059

Field recordings of Gervais' beaked whales Mesoplodon europaeus from the Bahamas
Douglas Gillespie, Charlotte Dunn, Jonathan Gordon, Diane Claridge, Clare 
Embling, and Ian Boyd
pp. 3428-3433

The acoustics and acoustic behavior of the California spiny lobster (Panulirus 
S. N. Patek, L. E. Shipp, and E. R. Staaterman
pp. 3434-3443

Relationship between sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) click structure and 
size derived from videocamera images of a depredating whale (sperm whale prey 
Delphine Mathias, Aaron Thode, Jan Straley, and Kendall Folkert
pp. 3444-3453

Model predicts bat pinna ridges focus high frequencies to form narrow 
sensitivity beams
Roman Kuc
pp. 3454-3459

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  • bioacoustics articles: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125(5), May... Dave Mellinger

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