Dear list members,

(apologies for cross-posting)

we are pleased to announce and invite you to participate in the following 
symposium, to be held as part of the XXVI International Bioacoustics Council 
Meeting (Haridwar, India, 8-13 October 2017): “Does size matter? Allometric 
principles in animal acoustic signals”

Organizers: Dr. Livio Favaro, Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, 
University of Turin, Italy ( 
<>); Dr. Maxime Garcia, ENESLab/NEURO-PSI, CNRS UMR 
9197, Université de Lyon/Saint-Etienne ( 
<>); Dr. Andrea Ravignani, Max Planck Institute 
for Psycholinguistics; Sealcentre Pieterburen, AI-Lab, VrijeUniversiteit 
Brussel ( <>)

To express your interest in participating and submitting an abstract, please 
send an e-mail with the title of your contribution to the organizers before 
April, 26th.

Symposium description: Animal vocalisations can encode a variety of 
information, including physical features of the signaler. In particular, 
acoustic allometry investigates how vocal features scale with body dimensions 
of an animal. Intuitively, larger animals may have larger vocal organs, hence 
sounding bigger, within or across species. The study of acoustic allometry is a 
crucial step to verify this assumption and identify outliers to this 
expectation. Ultimately, it allows to better understand sound production and 
evolutionary history of specific vocalisations or acoustic features. Over the 
last decades, the study of allometry has flourished. However, although the 
relationship between body size and acoustic features of vocalisations has been 
documented in many mammals, it deserves further investigations across other 
taxa. A purpose of our symposium is to connect and summarise findings of 
allometry across multiple dimensions and perspectives. First, we will focus on 
comparison across species, with contributions potentially focusing on any 
animal, as long as this relates to allometry. Second, we will examine the link 
between producing and perceiving sounds that contain acoustic allometric 
features, both within and between species. Third, we hope to attract research 
work documenting an absence of acoustic allometry to ask which socio-ecological 
and evolutionary factors may lead a species to deviate from a widespread 
allometric pattern. Fourth, inspired by Tinbergen’s approach, we aim to present 
contributions dealing with allometry from a functional, mechanistic, 
developmental and phylogenetic perspective. Indeed, allometric mechanisms are 
different depending on the taxa considered (e.g. while some birds show tracheal 
elongation, some mammals have laryngeal or vocal tract hypertrophy). Moreover, 
the evolutionary bases for acoustic allometric rules are diverse (e.g. sexual 
selection, agonistic interaction, species-specific recognition) and 
interconnected with other questions such as encoding of species, population or 
individual identity information in vocalisations. Fifth, we will explore new 
approaches and directions to allometry, such as its connection to vocal 
learning, size exaggeration, and human non-linguistic vocalisations. Finally, 
we will focus on potentially promising applications of this research strand, 
including livestock and conservation, with the objective to make use of 
estimating the size of an individual towards minimized disturbance. 

For more info on the conference, abstract submission and deadline, please 
visit: <>

We look forward to seeing you in Haridwar.

Best wishes,
Livio Favaro

Livio Favaro, PhD
Università degli Studi di Torino
Dip. Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi
Laboratorio di Zoologia e Biologia Marina
Via Accademia Albertina, 13 - 10123 Torino
Tel.    +39.011.6704538 / 78
Fax    +39.011.6704508
e-mail <>

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