The deadline to submit your code, sound and image has been extended up to the 
1st of October. 
Good luck! 

De: "Jérôme SUEUR" <> 
Envoyé: Mercredi 27 Juin 2018 13:50:23 
Objet: >spectro(2018): best R spectrogram contest 

-- sorry for cross-posting -- 

Dear all, 

It is my pleasure to announce the contest >spectro(2018) , a friendly and 
informal contest for the best spectrogram generated with R code. 

The spectrogram is a 2D/3D key visualisation tool for bioacoustics, 
ecoacoustics and other sound related disciplines. The spectrogram is not only 
useful for science, it can also be a nice graphical object with delicate shapes 
and colours. 

The aim of this contest is to share the beautiful sounds, R codes and 
spectrograms you may have in your files so that it can help others to produce 
nice graphics and figures. 

But overall, the idea is to join science, fun, and maybe the arts! 

Here are some information about the organization of the contest: 

. deadline : 15 September 2018 
. application: a single submission per candidate; send wav sound + R code + png 
image to with the email title ">spectro(2018)" 
. sound: .wav file / no limits, any recording (animal, habitat, voice, music, 
etc) or synthetic sound built with R 
. code: .r file / only within R language, any package but no call to external 
software, the code should be fully repeatable 
. image: static .png file / no limits in the choice of colour and size but 
should be readable on a web page 
. rights: you accept that your material appears on [ | seewave webpage ] 
. international voting committee: Fanny Rybak (France), Nadia Pieretti (Italy), 
Susan Fuller (Australia), Stefanie LaZerte (Canada), Tess Gridley (South 
. publication of the results: October-November 2018 
. prize: 1 printed sample of the book [ | Sound analysis and synthesis 
with R ] for the winner, 1 electronic version of the same book for the second 
and the third, kindly offered by [ | Springer, Berlin 

Have fun and good luck! 


Institut Systematique Evolution Biodiversite (ISYEB) & Ecole Doctorale 227 
Museum national d Histoire naturelle 
CNRS, Sorbonne Universite, EPHE 
45 rue Buffon 
75005 Paris | France | + 33 1 40 79 33 98 
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BOOK Sound analysis and synthesis with R 
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