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On 11/16/2012 09:45 PM, Steve Lianoglou wrote:
But then you have the situation of multi-machines w/ multiple cores -- is this (2) or (3) here? How do you explicitly write code for that w/ foreach mojo? I guess the answer to that is that you let your "grid engine" (or whatever your SGE equivalent is that you might be running) handle that for you.

You just use makeCluster to spawn multiple workers per host.

host.cores <- c(host1=4, host2=8, host3=2)
cl <- makeCluster(rep(names(host.cores), host.cores))

Honestly, when I think about multi-machine parallelism, I generally assume that multiple cores per machine is implied. In any case, the point is that foreach supports any parallelization situation (multicore, multi-machine, both) for which a parallel backend exists. So of all the parallelism stuff that exists in R today, I think it's the closest thing we have to a general parallelization framework.

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