On 12/23/2012 05:19 PM, Jesper Gådin wrote:
Yes thanks that is probably the reason why it is missing from
GenomicRanges. Noticed that it was in IRanges and had already put it in the
import, but forgot to also put in my export... After I put it in exports it
works as intended.

actually, GenomicRanges 1.11.20 defines new methods on subsetByOverlaps, and so has (not literally, but in effect)

  importFrom(IRanges, subsetByOverlaps)

so that the methods are associated with the correct generic, and


so that the new methods (and generic) are available to the end user.

Not sure what your use case is, but if you were _using_ this method in your package you would say

  importFrom(GenomicRanges, subsetByOverlaps)

and likely have Imports: GenomicRanges in the DESCRIPTION file, whereas if you were implementing a new method you'd say

  importFrom(IRanges, subsetByOverlaps)

and have at least Imports: IRanges in the DESCRIPTION file (but likely Depends: GenomicRanges or Depends: IRanges, as it might be reasonable for the user to have access to functionality from these packages when using your package).

I think subsetByOverlaps methods should have been exported in the release version of GRanges (1.10.5) but were not.

Also, in passing (and probably obvious from the last couple of responses), since you're developing a package it makes sense to track the devel branch of R and Bioconductor. That way, your package will be ready for use when the new R / Bioc release come out in a few months.



On Mon, Dec 24, 2012 at 1:57 AM, Tim Triche, Jr. <tim.tri...@gmail.com>wrote:

that's probably because it is exported from IRanges

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Jesper Gådin <jesper.ga...@gmail.com>wrote:


I have noticed that subsetByOverlaps is not exported in GenomicRanges
NAMESPACE. Would be nice if someone could put it in :)


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