Hi Carles,

In general there are three steps to consider in turn:

1) Look at the repository of experiment data packages.  If there are 
existing packages there with data that you can use then you probably 
want to use those.

2) Look for ways to make the data smaller and still get your 
testing/examples done.  Maybe you don't need 30
cel files? Maybe you only needed the expressionSet object that they 
eventually result in?

3) If you still really need all 30 raw files, then it sounds like you 
might need to make an new package to hold them.  If that is the case, 
then please document them carefully.  This is so that others who come 
along can find them at step 1 above...


On 07/23/2013 03:27 AM, Hernandez Ferrer, Carles wrote:
> Hello to everyone,
> Related to vignettes creation.
> I'm developing an R-package to preprocess raw Affymetrix data for two other 
> packages (MAD and inveRsion). The idea is to publish it in Bioconductor so an 
> executable vignette must be done but to "test" the package functionality I 
> need ~30 CEL files (this goes from 45.5Mb to 70.0Mb aprox. per file) fore 
> each allowed technologies (4 technologies).
> How do you recommend me to develop the vignette or to store the needed data?
> Carles Hernandez-Ferrer
> Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology - CREAL
> Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona - PRBB
> Doctor Aiguader, 88 | 0800a3 Barcelona, Spain
> chernan...@creal.cat | 93 214 75 78
> www.creal.cat
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