Hi Michael,

On 03/29/2014 02:07 PM, Michael Lawrence wrote:
Just coerce the RleList to SimpleIntegerList.

Isn't what as(x, "IntegerList") should do when 'x' is a SimpleRleList?


On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Gabe Becker <becker.g...@gene.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Apologies if this gets duplicated. I was not subscribed when I originally
sent it.

We have a very large RleList, such that the sum of the lengths is larger
than INT.MAX, that we want to convert to an also very large
IntegerList (whole genome coverages by chromosome I believe, though I'm not
the author of the code that ran into this so I could be wrong about the
details there).

The IntegerList will fit in memory fine, but the coercion method is trying
to collapse our RleList into a single Rle (in compress_listData() which is
called from coerceToCompressedList() ) during the coercion step, which is
too long and causes an integer overflow in the constructor. Specically the
Rle_constructor C function is calling _sum_non_neg_ints C function, which
throws an error.

I can see that there is quite a bit of machinery trying to make these
coercions go fast, but it seems they have introduced an  unintended (?)
limitation on the size of the *List objects involved. Is there a slower but
more robust coercion machinery I don't know about, and if not could one be
exposed? (Fast and more robust would also be acceptable ;-) )


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