Hi Don --

On 05/07/2014 06:21 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
I maintain a collection of Debian packages of CRAN and BioC[1] for
public use; currently, whenever BioC makes a new release, it requires
manual intervention for me to point at the new release location.

It would be helpful if there was a
http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/current redirect to the current
release, or if there was another easily parsable method to obtain the
current bioC release version.

Bioconductor releases are tied to R versions and the 'current' Bioc for a particular R, in a brand new installation, is


(this is BiocInstaller::biocVersion(), where the biocLite.R script has arranged, modulo MITM concerns below, to install the version of the BiocInstaller package relevant to your version of R). I personally think of this as the canonical location, but...

http://bioconductor.org/packages/release goes to the current release 'biocViews', with packages under release/ being the current release versions. http://bioconductor.org/bioc-version is probably what you'll end up using (though I believe it's hand curated), and tools:::.BioC_version_associated_with_R_version (this is a function in R-3.1) gives the version that R thinks is the current BioC version (this can become stale, e.g., R-3.0.1 was released when BioC-2.12 was the current version, but part way through the R point release BioC 2.13 became available [or at least, that's how I remember it]).

FWICT, neither http://bioconductor.org/getBioC.R nor
http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R encode that information either,[2]
unless that's what CURRENT_R_DEVEL_VERSION <- "2.14.0" is supposed to

1: http://debian-r.debian.net/

2: I should also point out that the current methodology of installing
BioC using code from a remote host is problematic as it exposes users to
MITM attacks because it is never checked for authenticity via PGP or at
the very least, SSL. As such, sourcing that script and using variables
populated by it isn't really acceptable.

Of course this is a valid concern and we can work toward a more secure approach.

Perhaps I could take the opportunity to ask a naive question about debian binary distributions of R. What is the directory into which packages are installed by sudo? In particular, are they unversioned, /usr/lib/R/library etc, as opposed to say /usr/lib/R-3.1/library ? I'm asking because a number of users seem to show up with say R-3.1 reporting a mix of R-3.1 and R-3.0.2 packages, usually to ill effect; this is not necessarily likely for user-installed packages, because the system directories won't be writeable and R will prompt with a versioned directory ~/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/3.1 as the location to install libraries. I'm wondering if mixed package versions would happen if their package manager failed to remove previously installed packages from the /usr/lib/R/library directory, or if the user installed multiple versions of R. Of course this could merely reflect users installing R without the help of package managers, and either way it might point to changes in the way R installs itself.


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