
sometimes I am forced to R CMD check packages on windows,
and my problem is that both the system-wide library and 
the personal library with BiocStyle contain spaces, so that 
BiocStyle::latex() results in:
\RequirePackage{C:/Program Files/R/R-3.1.0/library/BiocStyle/sty/Bioconductor}

which causes MiKTeX to fail with 
! LaTeX Error: File 
`C:/ProgramFiles/R/R-3.1.0/library/BiocStyle/sty/Bioconductor.sty' not found.
(This is with BiocStyles-1.3.15) 

What is the recommended solution here ? Installing R to a non-standard location 
Use texlive instead of miktex (does that make a difference ?) Or something else 


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