----- Original Message -----
> From: "Karim Mezhoud" <kmezh...@gmail.com>
> To: bioc-devel@r-project.org
> Sent: Friday, January 2, 2015 4:22:44 AM
> Subject: [Bioc-devel] BiocCheck result
> Dear all,
> I have these comments and did not found solution for silencing them.
> 1 - What about Vignette?

The message (below) is saying you  need to evaluate more vignette chunks, as 
mentioned in the BiocCheck vignette 
 at least 50% of vignette chunks need to be evaluated, otherwise you get this 

> 2 - The version is "package.0.99.0.tar.gz"

Looks like you are running BiocCheck under Bioconductor 3.0 (the release 
version). You should be developing your package under the devel version of 
Bioconductor (currently 3.1, requires R-devel (R-3.2)). If you do that you 
won't see this message.

> 3 - In wich file can I clarify permanent objects. To avoid <<- I
> create new
> Environment with
> myGlobalEnv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
> I have many permanent objects because my package is a GUI. All these
> objects are useful for different functions and reduce the computing
> time
> and the multiple running of the same function.

This is something that is best looked at during the package review process. 

> 4- Indenting, Tabs and long lines were not found.

As mentioned in the BiocCheck output and in the vignette, the formatting 
suggestions are just suggestions. Some of them are more important than others, 
for example, most reviewers will insist on lines shorter than 80 columns, for 
readability's sake.

> Can I submit with theses comments?

You can submit, and these issues will be looked at as part of the package 
review process.

> Thanks
> Karim
> $requirements
> character(0)
> $recommendations
> [1] "Evaluate more vignette chunks."               "y of x.y.z
> version
> should be even in release"
> $considerations
> [1] "Clarifying how objects Li, A, ttCasesGenProfs, EventTime,
> Category,
> Continu, Category, ttMain, CasesStudies, curselectCases, fname.GCT,
> fname.CLS, ttMain, GenesDetails, CaseChoice, mSigDB_SubName,
> GenesDetails,
> lenght, ttCasesGenProfs, myGlobalEnv (used in canceR , dialogMut ,
> dialogOptionPhenoTest, dialogOptionPhenoTest , getClinicalDataMatrix,
> geteSet, getGCTCLSExample, getGeneExpMatrix, getGenesClassifier,
> getGenesTree_MultipleCases, getGSEAlm_Diseases, getGSEAlm_Variables,
> getMegaProfData, getMetDataMultipleGenes, getMSigDBExample ,
> getMSigDBExample, GSEA, GSEA.Analyze.Sets, plot_1Gene_2GenProfs,
> testCheckedCaseGenProf) were initialized. Maybe they are part of a
> data set
> loaded with data(), or perhaps part of an object referenced in with()
> or
> within()."
> [2] "Shortening lines; 1227 lines (11%) are > 80 characters
> long."
> [3] "Replacing tabs with 4 spaces; 6 lines (0%) contain
> tabs."
> [4] "Indenting lines with a multiple of 4 spaces; 1752 lines (15%)
> are
> not."
>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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