Hi Valerie,

I met with our cluster admin (Mark) today to clarify some things. He
will give a better reply about mem_free and h_vmem in our cluster. The
short answer is that we use both with the recommendation to set h_vmem
set 1 GB higher than mem_free. And I believe that we don't have
cgroups enabled. Also check Harris' off list message.

The data from the tests also show the difference between
MulticoreParam() and SnowParam(). Previously, I was told that
MulticoreParam() should be as low as SnowParam(), and Martin hinted
that the tools used for memory reporting in my cluster might be
misleading me (see https://support.bioconductor.org/p/62551/#62880).
So I ran the generic example test with 10 times more data but the same
number of cores and Mark inspected the system manually while the jobs
were running. In more detail, he ssh'ed into the nodes running the
jobs and looked at the output from "top" among other things. I put his
comments on the repo and commented them at

The logs and updated email info is available at the longerTest branch
https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/tree/longerTest which
I'll likely merge onto the gh-pages branch unless you prefer to keep
them separate.

I've been thinking about your "Can you output the actual used?"
question, and the short answer is that the maximum vmem reported on
the emails is the maximum used memory, not reserved. This is what Mark
told me. However, we have a "qmem" bash script available in our
cluster which runs "qstat" and parses the output. One such line looks
like this:

6516139 lcollado node=060 vmem=4.4G, maxvmem=6.7G elapsed=01:23:14 serial-3.1.x

So we can see the memory under use at that moment, and the maximum
memory used so far.  I ran a 6th set of tests (now with both examples,
unlike the 5th one which is only the generic example) and recorded the
memory use. I recorded this information in 2 second intervals and made
a few plots which are available at

>From the plots for the generic example, we can see that
MulticoreParam() and SnowParam() use similar amounts of memory most of
the time, except for when a huge peak in the beginning. We can also
see the differences between R 3.1.x and 3.2.x.

Hopefully, this detailed info will answer your question and give you
more tools to work with.


On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 11:56 PM, Valerie Obenchain
<voben...@fredhutch.org> wrote:
> Correction below.
> On 07/15/2015 04:14 PM, Valerie Obenchain wrote:
>> Hi,
>> BiocParallel in release and devel are quite similar so I'd like to
>> narrow the focus to "before the changes to SnowParam" and after. This
>> means BiocParallel 1.0.3 (R 3.1) vs BiocParallel 1.3.34 (R 3.2.1) which
>> is the current devel.
>> (1) master vs worker memory
>> I'm more concerned about memory use on the master than the workers. This
>> is where the code has changed the most and where the data are touched
>> the most, ie, split into tasks and divided among workers. So it's the
>> numbers in the mem_email files instead of the logs that I'm more focused
>> on right now.


>> (2) virtual vs actual memory
>> The mem_email files show the virtual memory requested (Max vmem) for the
>> job but not actual memory used. Can you output the actual used? That
>> would be helpful.

>From talking with Mark, our cluster admin, the maximum vmem is the
memory used by the job.

>> It does look like more memory is requested (not necessary used) in
>> BiocParallel 1.3.34 vs 1.0.3.
>> (3) SGE and mem_free
>> This is more of an fyi -
>> It was my understanding that once Grid engine offered the mem_free
>> option, h_vmem was no longer necessary and actively discouraged by many
>> cluster admins.

Our cluster admin group has encouraged us to specify both mem_free and
h_vmem (normally just a bit higher than mem_free).

> A Grid engine update can enable cgroups which allow mem_free to be enforced,
> ie, can kill jobs that exceed specified memory. It's in this case where
> mem_free serves the greatest purpose and h_vmem isn't so useful. Not sure if
> your cluster has cgroups enabled.

>From your description of cgroups, I believe that it is not enabled in
our cluster.

Mark told me that our cluster uses Open Grid Engine. In particular,
OGS/Grid Engine 2011.11.

> Valerie
>> mem_free is used to track the available physical memory on the node and
>> when a job is submitted to that node SGE subtracts the requested value
>> from the available memory. h_vmem sets a threshold on the virtural
>> memory requested - a job is (usually) killed when the requested memory
>> exceeds this amount. Because many apps request more memory than they use
>> scheduling by h_vmem causes the cluster to be very inefficient as you
>> are reserving chunks of memory that never get used.
>> You may want to follow up with your cluster admin about this. Maybe
>> you've already gone down this road and there are relatively small
>> default memory allocations per slot so it's necessary to specify h_vmem.
>> I like how you've made information related to this bug report available
>> in github. Having that space to record thoughts, store log/memory files
>> and provide code really works well.


>> Valerie
>> On 07/14/2015 01:33 PM, Leonardo Collado Torres wrote:
>>> Hi Valerie,
>>> I have re-run my two examples twice using "log = TRUE" and updated the
>>> output at http://lcolladotor.github.io/SnowParam-memory/ As I was
>>> writing this email (all morning...), I made a 4th run where I save the
>>> gc() information to compare against R 3.1.x That fourth run kind of
>>> debunked what I was taking away from replicate runs 2 and 3.
>>> ## Between runs
>>> Between runs there's almost no variability with R 3.1.x in the memory
>>> used, a little bit with 3.2.1 and more with R 3.2.0. The variability
>>> shown could be due to using BiocParallel 1.2.9 in runs 2 to 4 vs 1.2.7
>>> in run 1 for R 3.2.0 and 1.3.31 vs 1.3.34 in R 3.2.1.
>>> ## gc() output differences
>>> Now, from the gc() output from using "log = TRUE", I don't see nearly
>>> any differences in the first example between R:
>>> * 3.2.0
>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/blob/gh-pages/logs/snow-3.2.o6463210
>>> * 3.2.1
>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/blob/gh-pages/logs/snow-3.2.x.o6463213
>>> which makes sense given that the memory was the same
>>> * 3.2.0
>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/blob/gh-pages/mem_emails/snow-3.2.txt#L24
>>> * 3.2.1
>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/blob/gh-pages/mem_emails/snow-3.2.x.txt#L24
>>> However, I do notice a large difference versus R 3.1.x
>>> * log
>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/blob/gh-pages/logs/snow-3.1.x.o6463536
>>> * mem info
>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/blob/gh-pages/mem_emails/snow-3.1.x.txt#L50
>>> In the derfinder example, the memory goes from 10.9 GB in R 3.2.0 to
>>> 12.87 GB in R 3.2.1 (run 2) with SnowParam(). The 18% increase
>>> reported there is kind of similar to the increase from comparing the
>>> max used mb output from gc():
>>> # R 3.2.1 vs 3.2.0
>>> * gc() max mem used mb ratio: (303.6 + 548.9) / (251.3 + 547.6) =~ 1.07
>>> * max mem used in GB from cluster email:12.871 / 10.904  =~ 1.18
>>>  From this observation, maybe using "log = TRUE" and checking that the
>>> memory used reported by gc() goes down will be useful for testing
>>> changes in BiocParallel() to see if they increase/decrease memory use.
>>> When I run the tests locally (using 2 cores), I get similar ratios;
>>> data at
>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/blob/gh-pages/local_run.txt.
>>> However, the same type of comparison but now between R 3.2.1 against R
>>> 3.1.x shows that the numbers can be off. Although the 2.8 ratio is
>>> closer to what I saw in my analysis scenario ( > 2.5).
>>> # R 3.2.1 vs 3.1.x
>>> * gc() max mem used mb ratio: (303.6 + 548.9) / (236 + 66) =~ 2.83
>>> * max mem used in GB from cluster email:12.871 / 7.175  =~ 1.79
>>> Numbers from:
>>> # gc() info
>>> * 3.2.1
>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/blob/gh-pages/logs/der-snow-3.2.x.o6463204#L15-L16
>>> * 3.2.0
>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/blob/gh-pages/logs/der-snow-3.2.o6463201#L15-L16
>>> * 3.1.x
>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/blob/gh-pages/logs/der-snow-3.1.x.o6463545#L10-L11
>>> # cluster mem info
>>> * 3.2.1
>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/blob/gh-pages/mem_emails/der-snow-3.2.x.txt#L24
>>> * 3.2.0
>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/blob/gh-pages/mem_emails/der-snow-3.2.txt#L24
>>> * 3.1.x
>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/SnowParam-memory/blob/gh-pages/mem_emails/der-snow-3.1.x.txt#L50
>>> ## Max mem vs gc()
>>> Comparing the memory used in GB from the cluster email to the max used
>>> mb from gc() multiplied by 10 (number of cores used), I see that the
>>> ratio is somewhat consistent.
>>> # first example, R 3.2.0, SnowParam() run 2
>>> 7.285 * 1024 / (10 * (23.9 + 461.8)) =~ 1.54
>>> # first example, R 3.2.1, SnowParam(), run 2
>>> 7.286 * 1024 / (10 * (24 + 461.8)) =~ 1.54
>>> # derfinder example, R 3.2.0, SnowParam(), run 2
>>> 10.904 * 1024 / (10 * (251.3 + 547.6)) =~ 1.4
>>> # derfinder example, R 3.2.1, SnowParam(), run 2
>>> 12.871 * 1024 / (10 * (303.6 + 548.9)) =~ 1.55
>>> # derfinder example, R 3.2.0, MulticoreParam(), run 2
>>> 13.789 * 1024 / (10 * (230.8 + 770.2)) =~ 1.41
>>> # derfinder example, R 3.2.1, MulticoreParam(), run 2
>>> 13.671 * 1024 / (10 * (245.9 + 757.5)) =~ 1.4
>>> And from this other observation, maybe I can use the gc() output from
>>> "log = TRUE" to get an idea if the memory use reported by my cluster
>>> is in line with previous runs, or if there's a cluster issue. This
>>> ratio could also be used to compare different cluster environments to
>>> see which ones are reporting greater/lower memory use.
>>> However, the above ratios are different with R 3.1.x
>>> # first example, R 3.1.x, SnowParam(), run 4
>>> 5.036 * 1024 / (10 * (32.1 + 218.5)) =~ 2.06
>>> # derfinder example, R 3.1.x, SnowParam(), run 4
>>> 7.175 * 1024 / (10 * (236 + 66)) =~ 2.43
>>> # derfinder example, R 3.1.x, MulticoreParam(), run 4
>>> 8.473 * 1024 / (10 * (240.7 + 189.1)) =~ 2.02
>>> I'm not sure if this is a hint, but the largest difference between R
>>> 3.1.x and the other two is in the max used mb from Vcells.
>>> Summarizing, I was thinking that
>>> (A) we could use the output from gc() to compare between versions and
>>> check which changes lowered the memory required,
>>> and (B) estimate the actual memory needed as measured by the cluster
>>> as well as compare cluster environments.
>>> However, the gc() numbers from R 3.1.x (only available on the 4th
>>> replicate run) don't seem to support these thoughts.
>>> Or do you interpret these numbers differently?
>>> Best,
>>> Leo
>>> On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 11:00 AM, Valerie Obenchain
>>> <voben...@fredhutch.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi Leo,
>>>> Thanks for the sample code I'll take a look.
>>>> You're right, SnowParam has changed quite at bit - logging, error
>>>> handling
>>>> etc. The memory use you're seeing is a concern - thanks for reporting
>>>> it.
>>>> As an fyi, the log output for SnowParam and MulticoreParam now includes
>>>> gc(), system.time() and other stats from the workers.
>>>> SnowParam(log = TRUE)
>>>> Valerie
>>>> On 07/10/2015 01:12 PM, Leonardo Collado Torres wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I ran my example code with SerialParam() which had a negligible 4%
>>>>> memory increase between R 3.2.x and 3.1.x This 4% could very well
>>>>> fluctuate a little bit and might be non significantly different from 0
>>>>> if I run the test more times.
>>>>> I also added a second example using code based on my analysis script.
>>>>> With SerialParam(), the memory change is 13%, but with SnowParam()
>>>>> it's 82% between the R versions mentioned already using 10 cores. It's
>>>>> still far from the > 150% increase (2.5 fold change) I'm seeing with
>>>>> the real data.
>>>>> I initially thought that these observations ruled out everything else
>>>>> except SnowParam(). However, maybe the initial 13% memory increase
>>>>> multiplied by 10 (well, less then linear) is what I'm seeing with 10
>>>>> cores (82% increase).
>>>>> The updated information is available at
>>>>> http://lcolladotor.github.io/SnowParam-memory/
>>>>> As for what Vincent suggested of an AMI and EC2, I don't have
>>>>> experience with them. I'm not sure I'll be able to look into them and
>>>>> create a reproducible environment.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Leo
>>>>> On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 7:12 AM, Vincent Carey
>>>>> <st...@channing.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> I have had (potentially transient and environment-related) problems
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> bplapply
>>>>>> in gQTLstats.   I substituted the foreach abstractions and the code
>>>>>> worked.
>>>>>> I still
>>>>>> have difficulty seeing how to diagnose the trouble I ran into.
>>>>>> I'd suggest that you code so that you can easily substitute
>>>>>> parallel- or
>>>>>> foreach- or
>>>>>> BatchJobs-based cluster control.  This can help crudely isolate the
>>>>>> source
>>>>>> of trouble.
>>>>>> It would be very nice to have a way of measuring resource usage in
>>>>>> cluster
>>>>>> settings,
>>>>>> both for diagnosis and strategy selection.  For jobs that succeed,
>>>>>> BatchJobs
>>>>>> records
>>>>>> memory used in its registry database, based on gc().  I would hope
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> there are
>>>>>> tools that could be used to help one figure out how to factor a
>>>>>> task so
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> it is feasible
>>>>>> given some view of environment constraints.
>>>>>> It might be useful for you to build an AMI and then a cluster that
>>>>>> allows
>>>>>> replication of
>>>>>> the condition you are seeing on EC2.  This could help with
>>>>>> diagnosis and
>>>>>> might be
>>>>>> a basis for defining better instrumentation tools for both
>>>>>> diagnosis and
>>>>>> planning.
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 12:23 AM, Leonardo Collado Torres
>>>>>> <lcoll...@jhu.edu>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I have a script that at some point generates a list of DataFrame
>>>>>>> objects which are rather large matrices. I then feed this list to
>>>>>>> BiocParallel::bplapply() and process them.
>>>>>>> Previously, I noticed that in our SGE managed cluster using
>>>>>>> MulticoreParam() lead to 5 to 8 times higher memory usage as I posted
>>>>>>> in https://support.bioconductor.org/p/62551/#62877. Martin posted in
>>>>>>> https://support.bioconductor.org/p/62551/#62880 that "Probably the
>>>>>>> tools used to assess memory usage are misleading you." This could be
>>>>>>> true, but they are the tools that determine memory usage for all jobs
>>>>>>> in the cluster. Meaning that if my memory usage blows up according to
>>>>>>> these tools, my jobs get killed.
>>>>>>> That was with R 3.1.x and in particular running
>>>>>>> https://github.com/leekgroup/derSoftware/blob/gh-pages/step1-fullCoverage.sh
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> $ sh step1-fullCoverage.sh brainspan
>>>>>>> which at the time (Nov 4th, 2014) used 173.5 GB of RAM with 10 cores.
>>>>>>> I recently tried to reproduce this (to check changes in run time
>>>>>>> given
>>>>>>> rtracklayer's improvements with BigWig files) using R 3.2.x and the
>>>>>>> memory went up to 450 GB before the job got killed given the maximum
>>>>>>> memory I specified for the job. The same is true using R 3.2.0.
>>>>>>> Between R 3.1.x and 3.2.0, `derfinder` is nearly identical (just one
>>>>>>> bug fix is different, for other code not used in this script). I know
>>>>>>> that BiocParallel changed quite a bit between those versions, and in
>>>>>>> particular SnowParam(). So that's why my prime suspect is
>>>>>>> BiocParallel.
>>>>>>> I made a smaller reproducible example which you can view at
>>>>>>> http://lcolladotor.github.io/SnowParam-memory/. This example uses a
>>>>>>> list of data frames with random data, and also uses 10 cores. You can
>>>>>>> see there that in R versions 3.1.x, 3.2.0 and 3.2.x, MulticoreParam()
>>>>>>> does use more memory than SnowParam(), as reported by SGE. Beyond the
>>>>>>> actual session info differences due to changes in BiocParalell's
>>>>>>> implementation, I noticed that the cluster type changed from PSOCK to
>>>>>>> SOCK. I ignore if this could explain the memory increase.
>>>>>>> The example doesn't generate the huge fold change between R 3.1.x and
>>>>>>> the other two versions (still 1.27x > 1x) that I see with my analysis
>>>>>>> script, so in that sense it's not the best example for the problem
>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>> observing. My tests with
>>>>>>> https://github.com/leekgroup/derSoftware/blob/gh-pages/step1-fullCoverage.sh
>>>>>>> were between June 23rd and 28th, so maybe some recent changes in
>>>>>>> BiocParallel addressed this issue.
>>>>>>> I'm not sure how to proceed now. One idea is to make another example
>>>>>>> with the same type of objects and operations I use in my analysis
>>>>>>> script.
>>>>>>> A second one is to run my analysis script with SerialParam() on the
>>>>>>> different R versions to check if they use different amounts of memory
>>>>>>> which would suggest that the memory issue is not caused by
>>>>>>> SnowParam(). For example, maybe changes in rtracklayer are the ones
>>>>>>> driving the huge memory changes I'm seeing in my analysis scripts.
>>>>>>> However, I don't really suspect rtracklayer given the memory load
>>>>>>> reported that I checked manually a couple of times with "qmem". I
>>>>>>> believe that the memory blows up at
>>>>>>> https://github.com/leekgroup/derSoftware/blob/gh-pages/step1-fullCoverage.R#L124
>>>>>>> which in turn uses derfinder::filterData(). This function imports:
>>>>>>> '[', '[<-', '[[', colnames, 'colnames<-', lapply methods from IRanges
>>>>>>> Rle, DataFrame from S4Vectors
>>>>>>> Reduce method from S4Vectors
>>>>>>> https://github.com/lcolladotor/derfinder/blob/master/R/filterData.R#L49-L51
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Leo
>>>>>>> History of analysis scripts doesn't reveal any other leads
>>>>>>> https://github.com/leekgroup/derSoftware/commits/gh-pages/step1-fullCoverage.sh
>>>>>>> https://github.com/leekgroup/derSoftware/commits/gh-pages/step1-fullCoverage.R
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>>>> Computational Biology / Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
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>>>> Email: voben...@fredhutch.org
>>>> Phone: (206) 667-3158
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> Computational Biology / Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
> 1100 Fairview Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98109
> Email: voben...@fredhutch.org
> Phone: (206) 667-3158

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