I'm planning on switching some vignettes to BiocStyle (html version).
Is there any particular reason why the html vignette for BiocStyle is
outside of the /vignettes directory? I see it at
/inst/rmarkdown/templates/html_document/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd with
/vignettes/HtmlStyle.Rmd linking to it. I didn't know that you could
write such links, thanks! But does it help with speeding up the
building or testing steps if the vignette is outside of /vignettes?
BiocCheck has its vignette at /vignettes/BiocCheck.Rmd so I know that
such a setup is not necessary.
Currently, one of my vignettes takes a few min to render, which is why
I followed ggbio's setup: fake empty vignettes + real ones and a
Makefile making sure the correct vignette gets built. I thought that
this trick saved time in R CMD check.
I looked at "Writing R Extensions" and I think that such a trick only
saves time when you run R CMD check on the source directory instead of
the tarball created by R CMD build. So unless I'm forgetting
something, this trick doesn't seem necessary at all given that
Bioconductor runs build and then check (with --no-vignettes) on the
tarball. Right?
I guess that it was useful for me before when I would run lots of
checks directly on the source code directory instead of building and

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