
I'd like to ask whether Bioconductor will allow a dependency package under a non-commercial license:


I read the package guidelines: http://bioconductor.org/developers/package-guidelines/#license but it does not address this question.

I am putting together a package for somatic variant filtering. One of the filters involve re-aligning the supporting reads using a heavily refactored version of BLAT: MLAT (https://github.com/djhshih/mlat). BLAT remains under a license that restricts commercial users. Although the original license mentions no restriction on derivative work, I contacted the author, and he maintains that the non-commercial license applies to derivative works. Eventually, I'll probably replace BLAT (with another aligner like SHRiMP2, which appears to have superior sensitivity and has a permissive license), but I was wondering how I might be able to assemble my package in the short term.

Here is my plan:

1. Create a BLAT/MLAT package under BLAT's non-commercial license.
2. Create the main package under GPLv3 that optionally depends on BLAT.

Will Bioconductor permit a optional dependency package under a non-commercial license?

Best regards,

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Cancer Program, Broad Institute
3 Blackfan Circle, CLS-11082
Boston, MA 02115

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