On 07/04/17 20:46, luke-tier...@uiowa.edu wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Apr 2017, Hervé Pagès wrote:
>> On 04/07/2017 05:37 AM, luke-tier...@uiowa.edu wrote:
>>>  On Fri, 7 Apr 2017, Hervé Pagès wrote:
>>> >  On 04/06/2017 03:29 AM, Michael Lawrence wrote:
>>> > >  On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 2:59 AM, Martin Morgan
>>> > >  <martin.mor...@roswellpark.org> wrote:
>>> > > >  On 04/06/2017 05:33 AM, Aaron Lun wrote:
>>> > > > > > > > > > >  The tool is not perfect, so assess each report
>>> carefully.
>>> > >  I get a lot of warnings because the tool seems to consider that
>>> >  extracting an attribute (with getAttrib(x, ...)) or extracting the
>>> >  slot of an S4 object (with GET_SLOT(x, ...) or R_do_slot(x, ...))
>>> >  returns an SEXP that needs protection. I always assumed that it
>>> >  didn't because my understanding is that the returned SEXP is pointing
>>> >  to a part of a pre-existing object ('x') and not to a newly created
>>> >  one. So I decided I could treat it like the SEXP returned by
>>> >  VECTOR_ELT(), which, AFAIK, doesn't need protection.
>>> > >  So I suspect these warnings are false positives but I'm not 100%
>>> sure.
>>>  If you are not 100% sure then you should protect :-)
>>>  There are some cases, in particular related to compact row names on
>>>  data frames, where getAttrib will allocate.
>> Seriously? So setAttrib(x, ..., getAttrib) is not going to be a no-op
>> anymore? Should I worry that VECTOR_ELT() will also expand some sort
>> of compact list element? Why not keep these things low-level
>> getters/setters that return whatever the real thing is and use
>> higher-level accessors for returning the expanded version of the thing?
> Seriously: it's    been that way since r37807 in 2006.
> If you want to read about some related future directions you can look at
> https://svn.r-project.org/R/branches/ALTREP/ALTREP.html.
> luke

I was curious about this so I checked out what R-exts had to say 
involving set/getAttrib. Funnily enough, the example it gives in Section 
5.9.4 seems to be incorrect in its UNPROTECTing.

#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>

SEXP out(SEXP x, SEXP y)
     int nx = length(x), ny = length(y);
     SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, nx, ny));
     double *rx = REAL(x), *ry = REAL(y), *rans = REAL(ans);

     for(int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
         double tmp = rx[i];
         for(int j = 0; j < ny; j++)
             rans[i + nx*j] = tmp * ry[j];

     SEXP dimnames = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
     SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 0, getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol));
     SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1, getAttrib(y, R_NamesSymbol));
     setAttrib(ans, R_DimNamesSymbol, dimnames);

     return ans;

There are two PROTECT calls but an UNPROTECT(3), which triggers a stack 
imbalance warning upon trying to run .Call("out", ...) in R.

Anyway, getting back to the topic of this thread; if we were to pretend 
that getAttrib() allocates in the above example, would that mean that 
both getAttrib() calls now need to be PROTECTed by the developer? Or is 
this handled somewhere internally?

>> Thanks,
>> H.
>>>  Best,
>>>  luke
>>> > > > > > > > > > > > > >  I also get a warning on almost every C++
>>> function I've written,
>>> > > > >  because
>>> > > > >  I use the following code to handle exceptions:
>>> > > > > > > > >       SEXP output=PROTECT(allocVector(...));
>>> > > > >       try {
>>> > > > >           // do something that might raise an exception
>>> > > > >       } catch (std::exception& e) {
>>> > > > >           UNPROTECT(1);
>>> > > > >           throw; // break out of this part of the function
>>> > > > >       }
>>> > > > >       UNPROTECT(1);
>>> > > > >       return output;
>>> > > > > > > > >  Presumably the check doesn't account for transfer of
>>> control to > > > >  the
>>> > > > >  catch block. I find that R itself is pretty good at
>>> complaining > > > >  about
>>> > > > >  stack imbalances during execution of tests, examples, etc.
>>> > > > > > > > > >  'My' packages
>>> > > > > >  (Rsamtools, DirichletMultinomial) had several false
>>> positives > > > > >  (all
>>> > > > > >  associated with use of an attribute of a protected SEXP),
>>> one > > > > >  subtle
>>> > > > > >  problem (a symbol from a PROTECT'ed package name space;
>>> the > > > > >  symbol
>>> > > > > >  could
>>> > > > > >  in theory be an active binding and the value obtained not
>>> > > > > >  PROTECTed by
>>> > > > > >  the name space), and a genuine bug
>>> > > > > > > > > > >                  tag = NEW_CHARACTER(n);
>>> > > > > >                  for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
>>> > > > > >                      SET_STRING_ELT(tag, j, NA_STRING);
>>> > > > > >                  if ('A' == aux[0]) {
>>> > > > > >                      buf_A = R_alloc(2, sizeof(char));  #
>>> <<- bug
>>> > > > > >                      buf_A[1] = '\0';
>>> > > > > >                  }
>>> > > > > >                  ...
>>> > > > > >                  SET_VECTOR_ELT(tags, i, tag); # PROTECT
>>> tag, too
>>> > > > > >  late!
>>> > > > > > > > > > > > >  I assume the bug refers to the un-PROTECT'd
>>> NEW_CHARACTER here - > > > >  the
>>> > > > >  R_alloc call looks okay to me...
>>> > > > > > > > > >  yes, tag needs protection.
>>> > > > > > >  I attributed the bug to R_alloc because I failed to
>>> reason that > > >  R_alloc
>>> > > >  (obviously) allocates and hence can trigger a garbage collection.
>>> > > > > > >  Somehow it reflects my approach to PROTECTion, probably
>>> not shared > > >  by
>>> > > >  everyone. I like to PROTECT only when necessary, rather than
>>> > > >  indiscriminately. Probably this has no practical consequence in
>>> > > >  terms of
>>> > > >  performance, making the code a little easier to read at the
>>> expense > > >  of
>>> > > >  exposing me to bugs like this.
>>> > > > > > > >  I guess it's a tradeoff between syntactic complexity
>>> and logical
>>> > >  complexity. You have to think pretty hard to minimize use of the
>>> > >  protect stack.
>>> > >  I prefer to call it logical obscurity ;-)
>>> > >  The hard thinking consists in assessing whether or not the code
>>> between
>>> >  the line where a new SEXP is allocated (line X) and the line where
>>> >  it's put in a safe place (line Y) can trigger garbage collection.
>>> >  Hard to figure out in general indeed, but not impossible! Problem
>>> >  is that the result of this assessment is valid at a certain point
>>> >  in time but might change in the future, even if your code has not
>>> >  changed.
>>> > >  So a dangerous game for virtually zero benefits.
>>> > > > > >  One recommendation might be to UNPROTECT() as soon as the
>>> pointer on
>>> > >  the top is unneeded, rather than trying to figure out the number to
>>> > >  pop just before returning to R.
>>> > >  If you PROTECT() in a loop, you definitely want to do that.
>>> Otherwise,
>>> >  does it make a big difference?
>>> > > > > >  One thing that got me is that the order in which C
>>> evaluates function
>>> > >  call arguments is undefined. I did a lot of R_setAttrib(x,
>>> > >  install("foo"), allocBar()), thinking that the symbol would be
>>> > >  automatically protected, and allocBar() would not need protection,
>>> > >  since it happened last. Unfortunately, it might be evaluated first.
>>> > >  I got hit by this too long time ago but with defineVar() instead of
>>> >  R_setAttrib():
>>> > >
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__stat.ethz.ch_pipermail_r-2Ddevel_2008-2DJanuary_048040.html&d=DwID-g&c=eRAMFD45gAfqt84VtBcfhQ&r=BK7q3XeAvimeWdGbWY_wJYbW0WYiZvSXAJJKaaPhzWA&m=FscW1HcPCwUqtMwKVFDfd1NyW0oHh0tJOPdFb3C1IWk&s=O3CcB-Z_OkVKaC1aV0aIc5SCDNqGQrkvGSmPf0TRAsw&e=
>>> > >  H.
>>> > > > > >  Btw, I think my package RGtk2 got the record: 1952 errors.
>>> Luckily
>>> > >  almost all of them happened inside a few macros and autogenerated
>>> > >  code.
>>> > > > > >  Martin
>>> > > > > > > > > > > >  Cheers,
>>> > > > > > > > >  Aaron
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