Hi Andrzej,

Could you let us know when you make the change which BiocStyle version
implemented the change? That way we can update our description files.

In the meantime, I switched my vignettes to use
BiocStyle::html_document2 although I need to use figure captions and
references to take advantage of all the things html_document2 has to


On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 8:05 AM, Andrzej Oleś <andrzej.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Bioconductor Developers,
> We would like that in the next release most of the vignettes which use
> BiocStyle benefit from the updated formatting introduced over the last
> year. For this, all BiocStyle format functions will be switched to the new
> style. This transition will happen on Friday, August 18.
> BiocStyle 2.0
> =============
> The new style was developed in collaboration with a professional graphics
> designer with the aim to address some of the shortcomings of the original
> implementation (e.g., inconsistent formatting both within the document and
> across output formats; non-distinctive structuring elements, for example
> running head and figure captions). Additionally, we introduced new
> features, including:
> -   Common formatting regardless of input (Rnw/Rmd) and output format
> -   Consistent layout providing a clear separation between content and
> structuring elements emphasized by horizontal alignment
> -   Standardized way of specifying author affiliations
> -   Cross references in R Markdown based on the bookdown syntax
> -   Support for recent additions to R Markdown (floating TOC, code folding,
> ...)
> -   Footnotes typeset as margin notes
> The updated style is invoked through `BiocStyle::latex2`,
> `BiocStyle::pdf_document2` and `BiocStyle::html_document2` functions. Feel
> free to have a look at some live examples, for example, at [PureCN.pdf](
> http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/PureCN/inst/doc/PureCN.pdf)
> (PDF from Rnw source), or [A-vsn.html](
> http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/vsn/inst/doc/A-vsn.html)
> (HTML from Rmd source).
> Switch to the new style
> =======================
> To streamline the process, the transition will happen automatically by
> replacing the previous format functions by the new ones as follows.
> Functions whose name ends with "2": `BiocStyle::latex2`,
> `BiocStyle::pdf_document2` and `BiocStyle::html_document2` will be renamed
> by stripping the trailing "2" such that they replace their old
> counterparts, e.g. `BiocStyle::latex`. At the same time, the latter ones
> will be archived by appending `_old` to their names so that, for example,
> `BiocStyle:latex` will become `BiocStyle::latex_old`. Function names with
> the trailing "2" will be kept until the release as aliases. Both these and
> the "old" functions will be marked as deprecated, and made defunct after
> the release following the [Function Deprecation Guidelines](
> http://bioconductor.org/developers/how-to/deprecation/). The following list
> summarizes the changes.
>     BiocStyle::latex          -> BiocStyle::latex_old
>     BiocStyle::latex2         -> BiocStyle::latex
>     BiocStyle::pdf_document   -> BiocStyle::pdf_document_old
>     BiocStyle::pdf_document2  -> BiocStyle::pdf_document
>     BiocStyle::html_document  -> BiocStyle::html_document_old
>     BiocStyle::html_document2 -> BiocStyle::html_document
> How does this affect me?
> ========================
> Scenario 1: Already using the new style (`latex2`, `pdf_document2` or
> `html_document2`)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Congratulations, thank you for test driving the new style! Once these
> functions get deprecated, please rename your BiocStyle format function
> calls by removing the trailing "2".
> Scenario 2: Currently using the original style (`latex`, `pdf_document` or
> `html_document`)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Typically, no special action will be needed. We worked hard to provide as
> much backwards compatibility as possible, so your vignette should compile
> with the new style right out of the box. However, some vignettes might
> require some small tweaks to build after the update. This affects mostly
> PDF output because of the more complex LaTeX macro definitions and the
> additional dependencies of the new style. Should you experience any
> problems, please first make sure that the source of your vignette meets the
> guidelines described in [Bioconductor LaTeX Style 2.0](
> https://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/BiocStyle/inst/doc/LatexStyle2.pdf)
> (for .Rnw vignettes) or [Authoring R Markdown Vignettes](
> https://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/BiocStyle/inst/doc/AuthoringRmdVignettes.html)
> (for .Rmd vignettes). Any remaining issues should be reported as a [GitHub
> issue](https://github.com/Bioconductor/BiocStyle/issues). As an interim
> solution you can still use the previous format function renamed
> to `*_old` in order to build your package.
> Kind regards,
> Andrzej Oleś
>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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