On 09/22/2017 03:27 AM, Christopher John wrote:
Dear Bioconductor

I checked my vignette using the knit option to biocstyle on my PC and the
figure sizes were all fine after some tweaking. However, in the online
vignette they have come out crazy small sizes. Previously I was resizing
them so they matched each other using the width command as shown below.

![*Figure 1: CDF plot for real data*](CDF.png){width=40%}

Two days ago I dropped the width command incase it was causing problems
from all of the figures and the package has updated, but I am still having
the same problem with the copy on the bioconductor. On my local copy they
are all really big now because I dropped the resize parameter. Can you
help? I have the link to the package vignette below.

Remember that your package needs to have 'version bump' to be pushed to the public repository. I see

M3C master$ git blame DESCRIPTION
750f286c (crj32 2017-08-17 08:58:02 +0100  3) Version: 0.99.93

so you'll need to bump that to 0.99.94 and wait for the nightly builds.

Remember to check the status of the build at



Kind Regards,



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