Hi Taylor,

It means that those two VM’s do not have the appropriate private keys which 
correspond to these public keys. 

Eg: If your public key is called “id_rsa.pub” (.pub is for public key), then, 
there is another file called “id_rsa” (no extension is the private key which 
corresponds to it). Your VM needs to have “id_rsa” locally, in the “.ssh” 



> On Oct 10, 2017, at 6:16 PM, Raborn, R. Taylor <rtrab...@indiana.edu> wrote:
> Hi Nitesh:
> Thank you for sending these along.
> All of our public keys match the three keys you sent to me, and we were able 
> to sync from my Desktop computer; access from our two VMs failed, suggesting 
> that it’s an issue on that side of things.
> Thanks again for your help. I’ll let you know if we have any more questions.
> Best regards,
> Taylor
>> On Oct 10, 2017, at 9:54 AM, Turaga, Nitesh <nitesh.tur...@roswellpark.org> 
>> wrote:
>> You have the following public key’s in the Bioconductor system, are you sure 
>> you are using the correct private keys.
>> ssh-rsa 
>> 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
>> ssh-rsa 
>> 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
>> ssh-rsa 
>> 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
>>> On Oct 9, 2017, at 10:24 PM, Raborn, R. Taylor <rtrab...@indiana.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Nitesh:
>>> Certainly. I used the following commands:
>>>> git clone https://github.com/BrendelGroup/TSRchitect
>>>> cd TSRchitect/
>>>> git remote add upstream g...@git.bioconductor.org:packages/TSRchitect.git
>>>> git fetch --all
>>> Fetching origin
>>> Fetching upstream
>>> Permission denied (publickey).
>>> fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
>>> Would you like me to provide my public key as well? I’m sorry for all the 
>>> trouble.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Taylor
>>>> On Oct 9, 2017, at 5:01 PM, Turaga, Nitesh <nitesh.tur...@roswellpark.org> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Please send me the list of commands you tried, and the output.
>>>> Your key is in the system. Either you are not using the correct key, or 
>>>> are issuing the wrong command on git. 
>>>> Nitesh
>>>>> On Oct 9, 2017, at 11:45 AM, Raborn, R. Taylor <rtrab...@indiana.edu> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Nitesh:
>>>>> Sounds great.
>>>>> This morning I attempted to sync my GitHub repository with Bioconductor 
>>>>> (following the instructions here), but I still wasn’t able to login.
>>>>> Is there anything further that I need to do to obtain access? I’d be 
>>>>> happy to resubmit my information in the google docs form if necessary.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Taylor
>>>>>> On Oct 5, 2017, at 12:17 PM, Turaga, Nitesh 
>>>>>> <nitesh.tur...@roswellpark.org> wrote:
>>>>>> No problem. 
>>>>>> As a heads up for the future, the mailing list might get a quicker 
>>>>>> response vs the support site as far as GIT goes.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Nitesh 
>>>>>>> On Oct 5, 2017, at 12:12 PM, Raborn, R. Taylor <rtrab...@indiana.edu> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Nitesh;
>>>>>>> I see- this makes sense. I apologize for my error and appreciate you 
>>>>>>> providing me with access.
>>>>>>> Thank you for your assistance with this.
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Taylor
>>>>>>>> On Oct 5, 2017, at 12:04 PM, Turaga, Nitesh 
>>>>>>>> <nitesh.tur...@roswellpark.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> You have submitted multiple times with bad ID’s. This has not gone too 
>>>>>>>> well with our application and fails add your key. You first submitted 
>>>>>>>> “rtraborn” with a set of keys, and then with the same set of keys with 
>>>>>>>> you valid SVN ID. The system does not add the same key twice with two 
>>>>>>>> separate usernames. 
>>>>>>>> I will manually make changes to give you access. 
>>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>>> On Oct 5, 2017, at 11:49 AM, Raborn, R. Taylor <rtrab...@indiana.edu> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello:
>>>>>>>>> I’m a co-developer and package maintainer for 
>>>>>>>>> TSRchitect<https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/TSRchitect.html>,
>>>>>>>>>  a relatively new Bioconductor package.
>>>>>>>>> We wish to push package updates to the Bioconductor git repo, but as 
>>>>>>>>> of yet I have been unable to do so. This post 
>>>>>>>>> (link<https://support.bioconductor.org/p/100990/#101170>) on the BioC 
>>>>>>>>> support page describes the current situation.
>>>>>>>>> Given the previous, is there anything I could be overlooking in my 
>>>>>>>>> attempts, or is my credential still in the process of being created?
>>>>>>>>> Also, I would like to know if it would be possible to add the 
>>>>>>>>> co-creater of this package, Dr. Volker Brendel (cc’d on this email), 
>>>>>>>>> as (another) maintainer of TSRchitect. His GitHub page is here: 
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/vpbrendel.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you in advance for your help.
>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>> Taylor
>>>>>>>>> --------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> R. Taylor Raborn, PhD
>>>>>>>>> Postdoctoral Fellow, Brendel Group
>>>>>>>>> Computational Genome Science Laboratory
>>>>>>>>> Indiana University, Simon Hall 205B
>>>>>>>>> P:  812.856.9572
>>>>>>>>> rtrab...@indiana.edu<mailto:rtrab...@indiana.edu> | 
>>>>>>>>> brendelgroup.org<http://brendelgroup.org>
>>>>>>>>> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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