Great! Thanks Paolo.  H.

On 10/21/2017 09:33 AM, Paolo Martini wrote:
I see,
thanks a lot!

I changed clipper package. The next release should work!

Thanks again.

2017-10-20 17:38 GMT+02:00 Hervé Pagès <

    Hi Paolo,

    FYI 3 days ago I contacted Gabriele Sale (maintainer of graphite
    and co-author of clipper) about this. See below.



    Hi Gabriele,

    A recent update to the graphite package introduced the following

       kegg  <- pathways("hsapiens", "kegg")
       graph <- convertIdentifiers(kegg[["Chronic myeloid leukemia"]],
       graph <- pathwayGraph(graph)
       genes <- nodes(graph)
       # [1] "ENTREZID:10000" "ENTREZID:1019"  "ENTREZID:1021"
       # [4] "ENTREZID:1026"  "ENTREZID:1029"  "ENTREZID:1147"

    This is with version 1.23.4 of the package. With version
    1.23.3, the same commands gave:

       # [1] "10000" "1019"  "1021"  "1026"  "1029"  "1147"

    Was this change intended?

    Note that this change breaks the clipper package for which you are
    a co-author:

    Also please note that the DEGraph package is currently broken
    because it depends on NCIgraph which itself depends on RCytoscape
    which is currently broken and deprecated. Unfortunately this breaks
    the graphite vignette (which seems to use DEGraph):

    The DEGraph and NCIgraph authors have been contacted and are aware
    of the situation but have not been able to fix their package yet.
    If they cannot fix it in time for the upcoming BioC 3.6 release,
    their package will be considered as candidate for deprecation in
    Bioc 3.7. So at this point I would strongly suggest that you remove
    graphite's dependency on DEGraph.

    Please address these issues at your earliest convenience.

    The next Bioconductor release is coming soon (scheduled for end
    of October) and all Bioconductor packages are expected to be
    fixed before Tuesday October 24.

    our release schedule.

    Don't hesitate to ask on the bioc-devel mailing list if you have
    any questions or concerns about this.

    Thanks for your contribution to Bioconductor!


    On 10/20/2017 02:15 AM, Paolo Martini wrote:

        Thanks a lot.
        Yesterday I was unable to get the error because the graphite I
        was not the latest version (it had a build failure).

        I'll fix clipper asap.

        Thanks again.


        2017-10-20 10:12 GMT+02:00 Martin Morgan

            On 10/20/2017 03:43 AM, Paolo Martini wrote:

                Dear all,

                I am the clipper package maintainer.
                According to the "Build/check report" for BioC 3.6,
                the clipper package has an error while compiling the

                I try to reproduce the error in my computer using the
                devel version but
                R CMD check and installation goes smoothly.

            I verified that I'm using devel and my packages are current

            $ R

                R.version.string           # 3.4.2
                BiocInstaller::isDevel()   # TRUE
                BiocInstaller::biocValid() # TRUE

            I checked out a fresh copy of clipper, into a temporary

            $ git clone

            then installed it

            $ R CMD INSTALL clipper

            I then extracted the R source code of the vignette

            $ cd clipper/vignettes
            $ R CMD Stangle clipper.Rnw  # could have used knitr::purl()
            for Rmd

            and tried to run the vignette code

            $ R -f clipper.R

            It fails as on the build system

                pathwayAnalysis <- pathQ(exp, classes, graph, nperm=100,

            Error in getExpression(exprs(expr), classes) : Gene names
            not specified.
            Calls: pathQ ... getExpression -> getExpression ->
            getExpression ->
            Execution halted

            OK, reproducible without any additional stuff like devtools
            or RStudio
            getting in the way. Time to debug. I started R in my
            favorite IDE, and
            tried to source the vignette

            $ source("clipper.R", echo=TRUE, max=Inf)

            it fails in the same way. I looked for the error, and tried
            to reproduce
            it in a simpler fashion, guessing a bit at what the failing
            code was trying
            to do ('expr' in the traceback() being the function argument

                pathwayAnalysis <- pathQ(exp, classes, graph, nperm=100,

            Error in getExpression(exprs(expr), classes) : Gene names
            not specified.


            10: stop("Gene names not specified.")
            9: getExpression(exprs(expr), classes)
            8: getExpression(exprs(expr), classes)
            7: getExpression(expr, classes)
            6: getExpression(expr, classes)
            5: pathQ(exp, classes, graph, nperm = 100, alphaV = 0.05, b
            = 100) at
            4: eval(ei, envir)
            3: eval(ei, envir)
            2: withVisible(eval(ei, envir))
            1: source("clipper.R", echo = TRUE, max = Inf)

                clipper:::getExpression(exprs(exp), classes)

            Error in clipper:::getExpression(exprs(exp), classes) :
                Gene names not specified.

            I found that clipper:::getExpression is and S4 generic, with
            a likely
            method, so set the debugger and tried again


            standardGeneric for "getExpression" defined from package

            function (expr, classes)
            <environment: 0x11061920>
            Methods may be defined for arguments: expr, classes
            Use  showMethods("getExpression")  for currently available ones.


            Function: getExpression (package clipper)
            expr="ExpressionSet", classes="numeric"
            expr="matrix", classes="numeric"

                debug(clipper:::getExpression, signature=c("matrix",
                clipper:::getExpression(exprs(exp), classes)

            Tracing clipper:::getExpression(exprs(exp), classes) step 2
            Called from: eval(expr, p)
            Browse[1]> n
            debug: if (is.null(rownames(expr))) stop("Gene names not
            Browse[2]> rownames(expr)
            Browse[2]> Q

            and back at the top level



            hmm, this looks weird


            Features  Samples
                     0       79

            In code chunk 3 you'd got the genes from graphite, and


            [1] "ENTREZID:10000" "ENTREZID:1019"  "ENTREZID:1021"
            [4] "ENTREZID:1026"  "ENTREZID:1029"  "ENTREZID:1147"

            in code chunk 10 you'd calculated the intersection of these
            genes with the
            row.names of the sample expression set

                intersect(genes, row.names(exprs(all)))


            and this is because the rownames are in a different format


            [1] "5595" "7075" "1557" "643"  "643"  "1843"

            I guess this is because graphite or one of it's dependencies
            has changed,
            accidentally or otherwise, the format of the identifiers
            returned in chunk
            3. Likely the reason that you were not able to reproduce
            this is because
            you were using an out-of-date version of graphite (isDevel() and
            biocValid() would have diagnosed this). I don't know whether
            the resolution
            is a bug fix in graphite, or a fix to your own vignette
            code; it is always
            worth pushing the resolution as close to the source of the
            problem as
            possible, so if it's a change in graphite then engage the
            maintainer("graphite") in your investigation.


                Anyone has suggestions on how to debug this?

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            Thank you.

    Hervé Pagès

    Program in Computational Biology
    Division of Public Health Sciences
    Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
    1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
    P.O. Box 19024
    Seattle, WA 98109-1024

    E-mail: <>
    Phone: (206) 667-5791 <tel:%28206%29%20667-5791>
    Fax: (206) 667-1319 <tel:%28206%29%20667-1319>

Paolo Martini
c/o Lab Romualdi
via U. Bassi 58/b
35121 Padova, Italy
Tel: 049 8276319
Fax: 049 8276159
e-mail: <>

Hervé Pagès

Program in Computational Biology
Division of Public Health Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
P.O. Box 19024
Seattle, WA 98109-1024

Phone:  (206) 667-5791
Fax:    (206) 667-1319

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