On 01/07/2018 08:13 AM, Wolfgang Huber wrote:

7.1.18 12:46, Wolfgang Huber scripsit:
Thank you for your question. It would however be more appropriate for the support forum, not for the developer mailing list. Would you mind moving it there, perhaps also the responses so far?

I just saw you posted on the forum, after browsing it.
I had searched for your name using the "search" function of the forum webpage before sending the previous, but that did not turn up this post.

Wouldn't it be great if our search box worked better? Or would just convert the search into an URL like


use the 'Users' and 'Tags' links at the top right to navigate users and tags.

Poor search on the support site is a long-standing and well-known issue; some reasons (are they still valid?) for not simply using google are at


where one can also access the code and propose pull requests.



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