Hi Ruqian,

I think this is a consequence of your internal data.frames have column
names that include the minus sign i.e. "-".  The code clearly tries to deal
with this by wrapping them in back-ticks at certain points, but I think it
doesn't do this successfully in projectScoreLandscape()

First, consider this example, which I think is a simplified version of what
happens in plotScoreLandscape()

df <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)
colnames(df) <-  c("tgca-EPI","tgca-MES")
ggplot(df, aes_string("`tgca-EPI`", "`tgca-MES`")) +

For me this works & produces a plot where the axis labels include the
backticks i.e. `tgca-EPI` and `tgca-EPI`

Now we rename the columns of our data.frame to include the back-ticks,
which is what happens when plabs = c(plotObj$labels$x, plotObj$labels$y) is
called within projectScoreLandscape(). We plot in the same fashion and get
an error similar to what you're seeing.

colnames(df) <-  c("`tgca-EPI`","`tgca-MES`")
ggplot(df, aes_string("`tgca-EPI`", "`tgca-MES`")) +

Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : object 'tgca-EPI' not found

Why this behavior would change I don't know, but presumably something in
one of the tidyverse packages has led to this.  You should probably
investigate more, but if this is the problem then you can modify that plabs
line in projectScoreLandscape() to strip the back-ticks. However, perhaps a
more robust solution is to enforce the use of "_" rather than "-" in column
names, that way you don't have to worry about using back-ticks to quote the
non-syntactic names.

Best regards,


On Mon, 5 Nov 2018 at 14:21, Ruqian Lyu <ruqi...@student.unimelb.edu.au>

> Hi Bioconductor,
> I received a notification email regarding the building error for our
> package 'singscore'.
> I pull the RELEASE_3_8 branch and checked/built on my local machine, it was
> successful without errors.
> The error message was within the vignette which hasn't been updated for
> several months.
> Would please help with identifying the problem?
> Thanks a lot!
> Best regards,
> Ruqian
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: <bbs-nore...@bioconductor.org>
> Date: Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 12:14 AM
> Subject: singscore problems reported in the Multiple platform build/check
> report for BioC 3.8
> To: <ruqi...@student.unimelb.edu.au>
> [This is an automatically generated email. Please don't reply.]
> Hi singscore maintainer,
> According to the Multiple platform build/check report for BioC 3.8,
> the singscore package has the following problem(s):
>   o ERROR for 'R CMD build' on malbec1. See the details here:
> https://master.bioconductor.org/checkResults/3.8/bioc-LATEST/singscore/malbec1-buildsrc.html
> Please take the time to address this by committing and pushing
> changes to your package at git.bioconductor.org
> Notes:
>   * This was the status of your package at the time this email was sent to
> you.
>     Given that the online report is updated daily (in normal conditions)
> you
>     could see something different when you visit the URL(s) above,
> especially if
>     you do so several days after you received this email.
>   * It is possible that the problems reported in this report are false
> positives,
>     either because another package (from CRAN or Bioconductor) breaks your
>     package (if yours depends on it) or because of a Build System problem.
>     If this is the case, then you can ignore this email.
>   * Please check the report again 24h after you've committed your changes
> to the
>     package and make sure that all the problems have gone.
>   * If you have questions about this report or need help with the
>     maintenance of your package, please use the Bioc-devel mailing list:
>       https://bioconductor.org/help/mailing-list/
>     (all package maintainers are requested to subscribe to this list)
> For immediate notification of package build status, please
> subscribe to your package's RSS feed. Information is at:
> https://bioconductor.org/developers/rss-feeds/
> Thanks for contributing to the Bioconductor project!
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