Dear Bioconductor,

Our bumphunter package is failing its unit tests fairly spectacularly: the pval algorithm seems to be returning a data frame full of zeroes. Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce this behavior. I have instantiated an EC2 instance with the devel AMI, updated all the packages, installed bumphunter and its dependencies, and run the unit tests without errors.

My sessionInfo indicates all R dependencies are identical to the snapshot on the devel build report. However, two things may be causing the disparity in results:

(i) bumphunter uses 'doParallel' and 'foreach' at the point that it is failing; is it possible for me to confirm that I am using the same version of these as the build system used. (Note: we are failing even when doParallel defaults to sequential execution, so the low-level interface does not seem to be relevant.)

(ii) The devel AMI is running R 3.6 release 75543 and the build system is running release 76205. Could this be the discrepancy we're looking for? We are reluctant to reinstall all of R+Bioc unless it looks relevant.

Any other suggestions would be very helpful. We haven't touched the package in months and are totally buffaloed why it has decided to fail just days before the new release.

thanks in advance for any advice you can offer,

- Sam

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