Dear Bioconductor,

With your very helpful assistance, for which we are extremely grateful, we have succeeded in removing the errors from the devel branch of our bumphunter package. More or less, anyway.

We are passing on celaya2 and failing on merida2. The reason is that celaya2 is running R-devel r76245 and merida2 is running R-devel r75683. The random number generator changed between r75683 and r76245. This is a problem because our unit tests compare the output of bumphunter to a stashed .rda file. So there is no way the .rda file can make both r75683 and r76245 happy.

Will this cause any problems for the package's continuation in Bioconductor 3.9?

It seems probable but not guaranteed that R 3.6 will ultimately use the new RNG.


- Sam

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