Dear Bioc community,

As the previous email described, we're facing issues in reproducing the
TIMEOUT during the build of the INSPEcT package in the Windows environment.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to reproduce the tokay2 testing
environment? For instance, specific virtual machines or similar?

Thanks in advance for helping!

Il giorno ven 20 mar 2020 alle ore 15:08 Mattia Furlan <>
ha scritto:

> Hello,
> I am one of the maintainers of the INSPEcT package.
> I noticed that the vignette building on tokay2 resulted in a timeout.
> So, I tried to build the document on a Windows 10 64 bit machine with the
> development version of Bioconductor and R4.0.
> In this configuration, everything run smoothly with a reasonable
> computational time (few minutes).
> Could you please help me to fix the issue?
> Thank you,
> Mattia Furlan
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