Many many packages in the methylation business (methylation array or MethylSeq) define dozens of data structures (S4 classes) for the purpose of representing methylation data. Some of the most outstanding data structures seem to be RnBeadSet in RnBeads, MethylSet in minfi, MethyLumiSet in methylumi, BSdataSet in methylPipe, BSrel and BSraw in BiSeq, etc... Some are SummarizedExperiment derivatives, some are eSet derivatives, others don't extend anything and reimplement a lot of things from scratch. I wonder if some kind of unification/standardization effort has been considered. Would be great to achieve some sort of consensus like has been done with SingleCellExperiment for single cell data. Having the consensual classes implemented in their own package, and separated from any particular application like in the case of SCE, would help with exposure and reusability.

For the context: I'm currently looking at a new submission (MAGAR) that implements yet another set of S4 classes (methQTLInput and methQTLResult) almost from scratch: - - I'm hoping that they can avoid that by reusing (either directly or by extending) something that's already available in the ecosystem but it's not clear to me what to recommend.


Hervé Pagès

Bioconductor Core Team

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