There were some issues with that version of R-devel, so we updated R on Linux 
devel builder yesterday.  The error message that appears today is different for 
autonomics and similar to what is reported on the arm64 linux devel builder. 
I'm updating R on the Mac and Windows devel builders today so the errors may be 
more consistent in the report in the next day or so.

Jennifer Wokaty (they/them)

Waldron Lab at CUNY SPH
Bioconductor Core Team
From: Bioc-devel <> on behalf of Aditya Bhagwat 
via Bioc-devel <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 4:23 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Bioc-devel] autonomics : nebbiolo (only) fails to locate weave

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Dear BioC devel,

autonomics devel install/build/checks:!!PxiZbSOawA!IgmJQYkJiE1CYBM8ZqmpFDAktZXlKG3vQBZ46ZwM4E_ampRc78FQsVYDR1d9ibXt2-afvLKrWo3CZPAd-qfHmd4N1zY07ObozA%24&<;!!PxiZbSOawA!IgmJQYkJiE1CYBM8ZqmpFDAktZXlKG3vQBZ46ZwM4E_ampRc78FQsVYDR1d9ibXt2-afvLKrWo3CZPAd-qfHmd4N1zY07ObozA$>
fine on palomino3 (win) and merida1 (mac).
'fails to locate weave' on nebbiolo (ubuntu).

Could this be a nebbiolo rather than an autonomics issue?

Thankyou : )


Aditya Bhagwat
Translational Proteomics � Philipps-University Marburg
Biological Pharmacological Center � Room A406
Tel.: +49 6421 28 27403

Aditya Bhagwat
Translational Proteomics � Philipps-University Marburg
Biological Pharmacological Center � Room A406
Tel.: +49 6421 28 27403

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