On 05/08/2017 23:55, Ondrej Zajicek wrote:
I found that it is probably a bug/behavior of Linux VRF implementation.
Socket can be bound to an iface, which is also used to choose related
VRF. For UDP sockets, it works for both VRF ifaces and underlying (real)
ifaces. But for TCP (and perhaps ICMP) sockets it seems to work only for
VRF ifaces, while BIRD tries to bind the socket with the real iface.

A very ugly workaround for BIRD BGP is to add appropriate IP addresses
also to vrf iface (with 'noprefixroute' option to not mess routing
table) and then use 'interface' BGP protocol option with vrf interface.

Thanks for your answer. First to respond to your previous mail, I'm using stock Debian kernel I have read the changelog for version 4.10 and 4.11, didn't find anything related to my case.

What I don't get with the Linux bug/behavior idea is that the peering with the downstream router works fine where I would expect it to fail as well since it uses the same vrf setup (it is EBGP instead of IBGP but I don't see that making a difference from the kernel point of view ?).

I tried the replicated address in the vrf interface trick and the "interface" option as you suggested, but the service won't start :

bird: /etc/bird/bird.conf, line 58: Link-local address and interface scope must be used together

As per the documentation this error makes sense as it should be only used with link-local addresses. Am I missing something ?

Nonetheless, with just the replicated address in the vrf interface, the peering establishes. bird6 just complains a little but that doesn't seem too bad :

bird6: ibgp_internet: Missing link local address on interface internet

But I wonder if this behavior is deterministic (and if yes according to which algorithm), or if the system could at some point revert to bind to eth1.3 and get back to its prior behaviour (sending RST after receiving SYN+ACK). I tried to reboot and bring down/up interfaces, for now it keeps re-establishing peering.

Also, being bound to a virtual interface, bird doesn't benefit from the physical link failure detection. "Check link" option doesn't work, which I guess makes sense since it probably tracks the state of the vrf interface itself, which doesn't go down. At least I could use BFD to circumvent that I suppose.

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