Ondrej Zajicek <santi...@crfreenet.org> wrote:

On Sat, Jan 06, 2024 at 10:48:54AM +0000, Chris Webb wrote:
Is there any reason/situation to prefer either the direct protocol or 'learn all' on the v4/v6 kernel protocol?

That is a good point. we do not have any explicit intention with that, but it makes more sense to use ones learned from the kernel protocol, as they are more likely to be consistent with the kernel routing table. Although they have bad (too low) preference.

Ah yes, I'd missed the default priority difference because I always override it to 240 for my kernel4 and kernel6 protocols anyway, to match the direct protocol default priority. For me, the routes coming in as RTS_INHERIT are never inherited from other routing daemons but are extra 'device-like' routes added to the kernel with ip route for things like virtual machines and other network namespaces.

Best wishes,


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