Hello Ray and list,

thank you for pointing at this. We actually intend to do kinda the semantic versioning, we only didn't see any reason to add a trailing zero.

Regarding your case, I'd suggest to _not_ rely on the versioning being x.y.z; what we can promise (and probably should document) is that every new version is lexicographically after any older one and doesn't contain whitespace. We can even promise that it matches the regex [0-9.-a-z]+ … but not much more – if you ever get in a situation where you need to check a development version due to some bug, you're screwed with strict x.y.z checks.

Also please note that we are not doing strictly the semantic versioning as it is described on the website, there are some differences, notably in what is considered a reason to bump the major version number.

Have a nice weekend!

On 2024-01-12 13:08, Ray Bellis wrote:
Hi BIRD folks!

Could you please consider using consistent semantic versioning in your release numbers? (see semver.org)

Up until 2.13 all releases used the x.y.z format, with a trailing .0 for the first release in each minor release.  However the the 2.13 and 2.14 releases did not - they just used x.y

This broke our deployment code that uses semantic version aware checks to tell whether the running daemon is not the same as the available package.

A formally adopted (and documented) version numbering policy would be of great use to system administrators.



Maria Matejka (she/her) | BIRD Team Leader | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.

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