Hi Ontbirders:

The hawk owl was seen again Saturday in Low, Quebec. It doesn't seem to perch by the road like in weeks past. People searched for it early morning today for a couple of hours but it was not found. I got there mid-morning and after some time looking for it, the owl flew out and perched on a tall tree. When I returned, it had to be searched for again. Eventually we saw something fly across the road in the manner of a hawk owl. It did not stay out long and disappeared again. Looking down the road we saw a large silhouetted raptor (didn't get a chance to ID it) perched next to the road. We think the hawk owl saw it as it flew across the road due to its behaviour afterwards. Although it was extremely chilly earlier in the day (-25*C and whatever the windchill was) the afternoon was quite nice in comparison when the wind died down. These days it can be hit and miss looking for the owl.

Locally, there is still a small group of Common Repolls at the Hilda Road feeders. I could not find any Hoary in the group. Happy birding.

W. Hum

Take hwy 5, direction to Maniwaki.  Hwy 5 becomes hwy 105 somewhere along
the way.  The key is to follow directions to Maniwaki.  Low is approximately
64km from downtown Ottawa.

Take Hwy 5/105 direction Maniwaki until you reach McDonald.  There is a
large sign that says, "Brennan's Hill - Restuarant Bar" at the corner.
Turn left there onto McDonald.  It looks like a sort of dirt road and is
winding so drive carefully.  Continue along McDonald until Neely.  Turn left
onto Neely and continue until you cross the bridge which isn't far away.
Just after the bridge look for the owl either on the right or left side.
If you continue along the 105 instead of turning left onto McDonald, you'll be in the town of Low in about 2km. There are a couple of restaurants there including the PineView (just after the Stinson's Gas).

Hilda Road feeders can be reached by heading west on Carling until Rifle. Turn right on Rifle and right again at Lois and left onto Hilda.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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