Cool but sunny weather this morning made viewing birds much more pleasant than 
yesterday. Although still on the quieter side, bird activity was noticeably 
busier than yesterday.

Once again an Eared Grebe was reported at the Tip area. Further north, another 
Eared Grebe was observed on the Park bird hike, along the West Beach, opposite 
the Visitor Centre. Also reported at the tip was a Prairie Warbler (south of 
solar panel display), Ovenbird, Orchard Oriole, and a Bobolink, singing 
relatively low down from a shrub! Offshore, all three scoters were observed 
this morning. Woodland Nature Trail (WNT) also continues to provide some 
noteworthy observations. Likely the same Yellow-throated Warbler was reported 
just west of the southernmost bridge. Several Northern Waterthrushes were 
reported there as well but no confirmed reports of the Louisiana yet (although 
it was there and showing well yesterday evening). Also reported from WNT was a 
Hooded Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, several Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and many 
Hermit Thrushes.

Remarkably, the Eastern Cottonwoods along the Shuster Trail continue to support 
many warblers, although it appears that the vast majority are Nashville 
Warblers. Also mixed in were Yellow-rumped, Cape May and Orange-crowned. In 
Tilden Woods, another Hooded Warbler was actively moving around. Heard nearby 
were several Black-throated Blue Warblers and singing Wood Thrush. Gray 
Catbirds can now also be heard singing from the shrubbier locations.

*** For those who happen to birding north of the Park, please remember to pull 
well over to the side of the road when you slow down or park. Local farmers are 
becoming more active, and driving oversized farm vehicles. Please be courteous 
and make sure they can pass easily. *** 

Good Birding,

Festival of Birds Hike Leaders: Pete R, Karl, Todd, Justin, John, Sarah, 
Jean, Jeremy, Ken, Geoff, Ian, Chris, Dave, Peter M, and Claire

The Festival of Birds runs from May 1-19 - for a detailed schedule visit
For highlights and other update follow us at

The Festival is brought to you by  Parks Canada - Point Pelee National Park 
and the Friends of Point Pelee.  Hikes are generously supported by Quest 
Nature tours.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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